Historical Records> Hatches, Matches & Dispatches> Marriages Index>
Matlock St Giles' Church Marriages, 1637 - 1837
Marriages at the Parish Church

No Name or Illegible

Witnesses 1754 - 1779 | Witnesses 1780 - 1800 | Witnesses 1801 - 1816 | Witnesses 1817 - 1828 | Witnesses 1829 - 1837

Eight of Matlock church's bells were cast or recast in 1904 4458 Brides and Grooms, Sorted by Surnames

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About Phillimore's Marriage Indexes (includes Old and New Calendar)
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You can search by either the bride's or the groom's surname
  • Matlock's marriages have been extracted from both Phillimore's Marriage Indexes and the Parish Register

  • Phillimore's Marriages, 1637-1812, Vol. VII were published in 1910 and were extracted from Matlock Parish Register.
    Please read : About Phillimore's Marriage Indexes

  • The Hardwicke Marriage Act of 1753, "An Act for the Better Preventing of Clandestine Marriage", required that all marriages after 25 March 1754 had to either be authorised by a licence or had to follow banns called over a three week period. The only exceptions were people of the Quaker or Jewish faith. For those under 21 years of age, parental consent had to be given. Until 1836 Nonconformists and Catholics were required to marry in the parish church.

  • Marriage by licence was quick, with couples able to marry the same day or the following day. Details of those who married by licence were omitted from the original lists, but have now been added to this web site. There were over 208 marriages by licence between 1637 and 1812. A marriage licence is worth reading as it often contains far more information than the banns of the same period.
    Read: Marrying by Licence: Marriage Bonds and Allegations, produced by the Borthwick Institute.

  • Marriage witnesses, from when they were first introduced into parish registers, up to and including the year of 1837 are included on this site.
    *New in 2020 and Apr 2021*
    There are presented in order of the date of marriage. Sometimes there was just one witness, mostly there were two, and occasionally three, four or even five. They have been extracted from the Banns Register and also the PR. They often show the name of a close relative who attended the wedding, although sometimes it was just a person connected with the church if no relatives were present. The research has been undertaken by Susan Tomlinson and the web mistress is very grateful for all of her input.

  • *New in 2021*
    The marriages have been extended to the end of December 1937, providing 9 additional marriages and 18 names. With thanks to Susan Tomlinson..

  • Not all marriages were entered in the registers in date order! Benjamin Burrow, for example, filled in gaps in his registers. It is extremely easy to miss the year when you are searching and explains why some transcripts provide the incorrect year for a marriage.

Contact details for Derbyshire County Record Office, Matlock, where the Parish Registers are held.
Contact details for Staffordshire RO, who hold the BTs and many copies of Marriage Licences.
Society of Genealogists Some marriage records (Phillimore and Boyd's).
References - Books and Other Publications has details of CD ROM of PR indexes.

Strays - Matlock people marriaged elsewhere

Also see: About St Giles.

View even more about Matlock's oldest church by clicking on the images below:


My very grateful thanks to the late Ivor Neal for generously allowing publication of his transcribed material on these pages.
Marriage licence information added by Ann Andrews.
Marriage Witness transcripts from Susan Tomlinson, with grateful thanks for her hard work. These include the sample provided by Mike Spencer some years ago.