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The Wolley Manuscripts, Matlock
A Major Collection of pre 1828 Pedigrees, Charters, Documents, Deeds & Wills
  Volume 6669, includes the Wensley Deeds and the Manor of Matlock
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6666 & 6667
6667 - WOLLEY
6668 6669
6670-5 6676-80
6681-86 6687-90
6691-6 6697-6715
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Volume 6669

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Places in this volume within Matlock:
Allen-Hill Austen-Rydding-or-Awster-Ridding Bath-the Browneswood Coat-Close-near-Ryber Cuckoostone-Dale Dane-place-or-Darke-place Dicke-Eye- or-Dyke-Eye feresychfeld High-Torr-Wood Hyrstfeld le-Wete-medo Lumbs-Smelting- mills Matlock- Bank Matlock-Bath Matlock-Bath-House Matlock-Bridge Old-Bath Riber Ribur Scarthinick

Places in this volume elsewhere:
Assheburn Ashover Attalowe Attelowe Ayton Beauchief-Abbey Beauchief-Priory-of Beeley-Harewood Blakeburne-co.-Lancaster Blackwall Blakehege-le Bondsale-[Upper/fee of] Bonsall-[theCross] Braidsall Bradleye Brampton Moor Braylesford-manor-of Bridgetown Brigeton Briggeton-and-Water-mill Brydgeton Calke Calwelawe-pond-between-?-('rupes')-of Cold-eyton Cold-Eyton-township-of Colleye Cowley Cutthorpe Darley-township/parish-of Derleg-Achourse-near-bridge-of Deopham-Norfolk Dronfield Dronfield-advowson-of Esseburn Essover-Moor Eyton-township-of France Grenehall-hamlet-of Haddon Haddon-Hall Hallowes [?in Unstone parish] Harwood-Grange-of [Harewood in Beeley parish] Herward-Strete Hington?-manor- of High-Peak-Castle Hognaston Hognaston-church Holmgate-parish-North-Wingfield Hopton co.-Lancastr' 'Lancastrie'-Duchy-of Lindesaya London London-Soho-Square Mapilton Mapilton-township-of Mappleton Mickel-Longsdon Mid(d)leton Milthorpe Newbold-parish- of-Chesterfield Newport North Wingfield-parish Nottingham-Castle Peak-Forest Pontoise Ratcliff-upon-Soar Shutborough [Shugborough] manor-co.-Stafford Snitterton Snitterton-Chantry Snitterton-Prest-yarde-or-Preste-Orcharde Snyt'tonSpytell Stanhouse Staynweys-les Stauntonleyes Swathwick-in-Wingerworth Swerkston Thwathweyt [Swathwick in Wingerworth] Tutbury-honour-of ('Tidbury') Walton Wannesley'-co.-Nottingham Wedenesleye Wednisleye-township-of Wennesley-messuage-called-Dale-Hall Wennesley-manor-of Wennysley Wensley Wingerworth-advowson-of Winster-Chapell-with-Chapellyarde Wirksworth Wiyukesworthe Wyngeworth Wynst Youlgreve

6669 ff.12-30 (but not 27d) are copies and extracts from deeds, notes and pedigrees, chiefly relating to Wensley and the de WEDNESLEY family. The many witnesses' names have not been catalogued. The modern forms of the place names chiefly mentioned, are Wensley and Mappleton.
n.d. - 16thc (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.12
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[1] quitclaim, Simon son of Godwin de HARTSTONES with consent of Richard his son and heir, to Robert, son of Ranulf de WALNESLE, lands in Wodnesle,
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[2] gift, Roger, son of Ranulf de WODNESLEG' to Henry, son of Oswald, toft in Wodnesleg'
n.d (uc/chlsl)
[3] bond, Roger son of Robert de WEDNESLEG' to pay his father 15 quarters of corn at Esseburn [Ashbourne] or Mapilton every year for his life.
[25 June or 30 Aug] 1262 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.12d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[4] gift, Roger de WEDNESLEG with William his son and heir's assent to Robert, his son 1/2 township ('villæ') of Wdnesleg', 1/2 mill of the township, reserving capital messuage, bovate with messuage in township, mentioning ancestry of Roger's wife Alice and 'Hugo' the parson.
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[5] ?quitclaim, Roger son of Roger de WEDNISLEYE, lord of Mapilton, to Robert de WEDNISLEYE his brother, right in lands etc in Wednisleye
[10 Nov] 1325 (uc/chlsl)
[6] bond from Roger son of Roger de WEDNISLEYE jun. to pay his father 60s. annually for life from the son's township and manor of Wednisleye
[6 Oct] 1324 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.13
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[7] gift, Avicia once wife of Roger son of Roger de WEDNESLEYE to Roger her son, her manor of Wednesleye with water mill for her life
[?] 1368 (uc/chlsl)
[8] gift, Roger son of Roger son of Roger de WEDNISLEGH to Robert his brother lans in la Dale in township of Wednislegh
1320 (uc/chlsl)
[9] deise, Roger lord of Wednesleye to Geoffrey le Marchal de la Bruggeton, lands (parish not given) for his life
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[10] gift, Robert lord of Wednisl' son of Roger de WEDINSL' to Richard de LANC'CHUMBE, messuage and toft in township of Wednisl'
n.d (uc/chlsl)
[11] ? gift, Roger Roger son of Robert de WEDNISLEY to William HUNTE, toft in township of Wednisley
1303 (uc/chlsl)
[12] quitclaim, Mary de FURTESLEYE widow of Richard le BROUNE of Wednesleye to Roger de WEDNESLEYE, right in lands etc. which Roger had by feoffment of her husband in township and fee of Wednesleye
1294 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.13d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[13] gift, Roger de WEDINSLEY jun. to Roger his son, lands, tenements, rents in townships (villis) of Cold Eyton and Matlok.
1329 (uc/chlsl)
[14] gift, Richard GERLAND of Derley to Thomas son of Roger de WENDESLEY, messuage in township of Wendesley
[1317] (uc/chlsl)
[15] gift, 'ad pontem de Derley to Thomas son of Roger Robert de WEDNISLEG', one acre of territory in Wednisleg'
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[16] gift, Richard de MARCHAM to Roger de WEDNISLEY son of Robert de WEDNISLEY, 3a. in territory of Wednisley,
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[17] demise Matilda GEFFREY of Wednisley to Robert son of Roger de WEDNISLEY, toft in township and fee of Wednisley
[30 July] 1306 (uc/chlsl)
[18] gift, Richard son of Reginald 'medici' [the physician] of Esseburn [Ashbourne] to Roger [?son] Roger son of Robert de WEDNISLEG' , which Reginald and Richard held of Roger,
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.14
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[19] agreement, Roger lord of Wednesley and Robert le BEC of the same, that Roger conceded to Robert, piece of ground with building and 1/2 bovate of land in Wednisley de WEDINSLEY
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[20] receipt, Thomas de SAPURTON steward for 6 marks 7s 8d annual rent owed by the king, from Margaret recently wife of John DETHYKE of Wednisley
10 Jan. 2 Ed. IV [1463] (uc/chlsl)
[21] gift Adam de AYNESWORTH to Thomas de WEDNESLEY and Margaret his wife, and their heirs, all lands etc. in Mattloc and Ayton and 3 messuages with adjacent lands in Wensley
[28 March] 24 Henry VI [1446] (uc/chlsl)
[22] release of actions, Adam AYNESWORTH of parish of Blakeburne, co. Lancaster, gentleman, to John DETHIK & Margaret his wife and John WENNENSLEY son of Margaret
[7 Nov] 28 H VI [1449] (uc/chlsl)
[23] gift, John WENSLEY esq. to Adam AYNESWORTHE, one messuage which Thomas JOHNSON recently held in Brydgeton,
20 May 25 H VI [1447] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.14d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[24] lease for his life by Roger de WEDNESLEY to Avicia his sister, lands etc. in the fee of Matlok. [4 March] 49 Ed III [1375] (uc/chlsl)
[25] ?release, John son of John le DEEN de Wedenenesleye living ... [in] Stauntonleyes to Ralph del DENE of Wedenesleye, right in lands etc. in township and territory of Wedenesleye and Snyt'ton.
[17 Nov] 9 Ed III [1335] (uc/chlsl)
[26] gift, Robert de WEDNISLEG' lord of Mapilton to William his son, 5a. of land and other small parcels of land in fee of Mapilton
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[27] gift, Richard de MARCHAM living in township of Wednisley, to Roger lord of the same, toft with buildings called le Stanhouse in township of Wednisleye
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[28] release by Roger de WEDNESLEYE lord of Mapilton to Thomas de MATHELFELD, piece of ground in Mapilton
[1 October] 1329 (uc/chlsl)
[29] gift, William le ARPER and Susanna his wife, to R[?oger] de Wednesley, 1/2 rood in fee of Wednesley
Chursday (sic) [24 June] 1366 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.15
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[30] gift, John de WEDNESLEG' called le Deyn to Roger son of Robert lord of Wednisleg' 1a. in the territory of Wednisleg'
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[31] gift, Thomas de WEDNISLEYE to Roger lord of Wednisleye, 1a. and 1/2 rood of arable land, which Thomas had by gift of Marmaduke of Wednisleye his brother in fee of Wednisleye
[28 Mar] 19 Ed. II [1326] (uc/chlsl)
[32] gift, Roger son of Robert de Wednisl' to William de BREGETON and Richard his son, messuage with lands in fee of Wednisleye, which Peter PROUDE once held
[5 July] 1306 (uc/chlsl)
[33] gift, Roger de WEDNISLEGH to Roger his son, lands etc. in Cold eyton, furlong of land and meadow in same place, reversion of lands which Robert de WEDNISLEGH holds for life in same township, lands etc. in fee of Matlok.
[1 July] 1321 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.15d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[34] gift, Henry de Mapulton rector of Bondsale and Adam de AYNESWORTHE of co. Lancastr' to John de WENNESLEY, their manor of Wennessley which they had by the feoffment of John
[18 May] 7 Henry VI [1429] (uc/chlsl)
[35] gift, Roger de WEDNISLEYE jun. to John son of Henrye le Eyl de Hokenaston lands etc he had of Roger de WEDINSLEY his father in fee of Attelowe
[30 Ap] 1328 (uc/chlsl)
[36] gift, William ORME chaplain to Gerard de WEDNESLEY, lands he had by ffeoffment of Richard COLUMBELL [?in] Wednessleye
[20 May] 38 Ed. III [1364] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.15d-16
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[37] gift, Roger de WEDNISLEGH to Roger his son, manor of Wednislegh, ?township of Briggeton and Water mill with pool and watercourse reversion of ? manor aforesaid held by William de TISSINGTON and Isabella his wife for Isabella's life as her dower, reversion of lands which Robert de de WEDNISLEGH holds in township of Wednislegh for life, and of lands which Thomas de de WEDNISLEGH holds in same township for life, (Thomas and Robert being Roger's brothers)
[1 July] 1321 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.16
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]

[38] gift, Richard de MARCHAM living in Wednisl' son of Alan de MARCHAM to Roger son of Robert de WEDNISL' lord and Agnes his wife, toft with buildings in township of Wednisl' which Gilbert le MINUR once held
n.d (uc/chlsl)
[39] release, Thomas son of Roger de WEDNISLEGH to Sir William de BRIGGETON chaplain, right in toft he had by ffeofment of Richard GARLAND in fee of Wednislegh
[28 July] 1325 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.16d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[40] gift, Thomas son of Thomas de WEDNESLEYE to Ralph de DENE of the same, 2a. in territory of Wednesleye
[19 Dec] 20 E.III [1346] (uc/chlsl)
[41] agreement of demise by Robert Lord of Wednisl' to William son of Ranulph de AUDEWERE, land, which Henry de GRATTON once held from Robert, in the fileds and territory of Wednisl', from Mich. 1250 for 20 years (unusual phrasing to express date from which lease is run)
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[42] gift for life to Roger de WEDNISLEY jun. of his manor of Wednisley, by Roger to his son Roger
[1 May] 1329 (uc/chlsl)
[43] grant, John son of Roger de WEDNISL' senior to his father, of 7 cesteria of corn (with detail) annually from the manor of Mapleton for 8 years beginning at Mich. 14 Ed. III [1340],
[5 Oct] 14 Ed. III [1340] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.17
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[44] condition of a bond, by which Henry de KNYVETON Lord of Bradleye and others are bound in £80 to John COKAYN of Assheburn, that if Roger son of Roger de WEDNESLEYE, lord of Mapilton, pays annually 100s. rent from his lands in townships of Wednisleye, Mapilton and Matloc, for a term of 6 years, the bond will have no force.
[19 June] 20 Ed.III [1346] (uc/chlsl)
[45] gift, John de WENNESLEY to Roger de WALMSLEY and Thomas MORE Chaplains, manor of Wennesley, messuages, lands etc. in townships of Darley, Eyton and Matlok.
[29 Sep] 9 H.VI [1430] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.17d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[46] bond in f.20, John WENSLEY esq. and Robert ROLSE.. jun gent. to Thomas BABINGTON esq.
23 Sep. 25 H. VI [1446] (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.17d-18
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[47] lease, Thomas BABYNGTON 'sqwyer' to Thomas WENSLEY gent., the demense of lordship of Wensl for 8 years, beginning at Annunciation next [25 March], rent 6 marks. BABYNGTON to have liberty to run 400 sheep, 4 mares on the open pastures of Wensley
(further detail) mention of John WENSLEY 'sqwyer', Thomas WENSLEY's father
24 Sep. 25 H. [VI or VII] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.18
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[48] receipt Laurence, Edmund, Thurstan and John AYNESWORTH and Roger WENNESLEY for 20s from Thomas ROLLESLEY
8 Oct. 4 Ed. IV [1464] (uc/chlsl)
[49] letters of attorney, Henry de MAPULTON rector of Bonsall to Henry STAFFORD to deliver seisen of the manor of Wedneslay to John de WEDNESSLAY, according to the effect of a deed made by Mapulton and Adam de AYNESWORTH to John
1 June 7 H. VI [1429] (uc/chlsl)
[50] gift, John de Wennesleay to Henry de MAPULTON rector of Bonsall and Adam de AYNNESWORTH of co. Lancastr', manor of Wennesley, all lands etc.
[18 Jan] 7 H. VI [1429] (uc/chlsl)
[51] letters of attorney, John de WENNESLEY to Elias de AYNESWORTH and Adam de AYNESWORTH, to receive farms of manor (sic) of Wennesley, Eyton and Derley, from Henry JACSON and Richard his son, for the maintenance of John's wife Elizabeth and his sons
5 April 9 H. VI [1431] (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.18-18d (3)
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[52] lease for 41 years, Margaret once wife of Thomas LATHBURY and John WENNYSLEY to John DETHYK and John PRYNCE, manor of Wennesley (excepting lands etc. which John SAPERTON holds by feoffment of Margaret to the use of John WENNYSLEY and Anne his wife and John's heirs), all lands etc. in townships and territories of Wennysley, Brigeton, Matlok, Coldeyton and Bonsall
2 Oct. 22 Ed.IV [1482] (uc/chlsl)
[52 (sic)] grant, John DETHYK and John PRYNCE to Margaret who was wife of Thomas LATHBURY, 13 marks anually out of properties as in 52 above.
6 Oct. 22 Ed.IV [1482] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.18d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[53] lease for life, Robert GIBBARD of Youlgreve jun., Humfrey KNYVETON and Hummfrey COLUMBELL, to Margaret LATHBURY widow once wife of Thomas WENNSLEY, 2 messuages in township of Wennesley (names of tenants given) which they had by demise of John DETHIK of Braidsall esq. William DETHIK rector of Braidsall and Thomas DETHIK
[27 April] 6 H. VII [1491] (uc/chlsl)
gift, Margaret LATHBURY widow [once wife of Thomas WENNESLEY] to John WENNESLEY her son, manor of Wennesley, lands in Wennesley and Matlock, for her life.
[20 April] 6 H.VII [1491] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.19
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[55] settlement of lands etc. in Wennesley dale and Brygeston in parish of Darley, on Thomas son and heir of Thomas WENNESLEY gent., and wife Dorothy daughter of Hugh TEVERCY gent. and their heirs, remainders to Roger, Thomas junior's brother and heirs, and Thomas senior
10 May 5 Henry VIII [1513] (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.19-19d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[56] mortgage by bargain and sale, Richard WEDNESLEY of Wensley esq. to Richard HARPUR or HARPER, sargeant at law, for £1,000, of manor of Wennesley or Wednesley, water mill there lately built, all lands etc. in Wendesley and Bridgetowne, p. Darley, mentioning WENDESLEY's base son Hen.., Robert SHAKERLEY of Spytell esq., HARPUR's son Richard, wife Jane, mansion house in Swerkston
8 May 9 Eliz [1567] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.19d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[57] letters of attorney, Richard HARPUR or HARPER sargeant at law to Anthony, brother of Richard WENNESLEY of Wennesley esq. and Richard DOUGHTY of Derby ? mercer, to take seisen of premises in Darley parish of which Richard Wennesley, Will BLUNT and Ann sister of William enfeoffed HARPER
10 Dec 4 Eliz [1561] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.19d-20
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[58] covenant to convey uses, Richard WENNESLEY of Calke esq. to Rauffe BLACKWALL of Blackwall gent, manor of Wendesley, to be conveyed to named trustees to use Wendesley for life, remainder to BLACKWALL and heirs
26 Ap. 20 Eliz. [1578] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.20
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[59] ? release, Lettice widow of Richard WENDESLEY of Wensley esq. decd. and Raffe BLACKWALL of Wensley esq., Ann his wife, only daughter of Lettice and Richard and Richard's heir, to John HARPUR of Swarkeston esq., right in 1/2 inclosed grounds in manor of Wendesley, with RAGG's cottage, 1/2 wastes, commons etc., of the manor excepting smelting houses on the wastes and annuity of 40 marks, Lettice's dower of the premises. Not executed.
13 Sep. 34 Eliz. [1592] (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.20-20d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[no number and 60-63 no number] fines dated in Elizabeth's reign, chiefly involving HARPUR and WENNESLEY families, also BLACKWALL, BLOUNT, NEEDHAM etc. and the manor of Wensley, also lands etc. in Wensley, Bridgetown, Matlock, Darley.
6669 f.21
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]

[64] gift, Gerard de WEDNESLEYE to William de BREMYNGTON of Colleye 2 pieces of meadow in fee of Wedensleye
[18 March] 32 Ed. III [1358] (uc/chlsl)
[65] letters patent, that Roger de WEDENSLEYE has been assigned to pursue and take and escort to Nottingham Castle, ?Eustace, Robert, Richard, Laurence and Walter de FOLVILL(E) 18 Dec. 4 Edward [?III i.e. 1330] with note that Roger de BELERS was killed by Eustace de FOLVILE and his brothers
Feb 1326/7 (uc/chlsl)
[66] ?, Robert de WEDINLEG' to son Roger, right in 2 bovates of land, which Henry de WYNST' once held, in township and territory of Midleton
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[67] ?lease, Snanes son of Alfred de WEDENSLEYE to Roger de WEDNESL' his lord, messuages etc. in township of Wednesl'
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.21d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[68] gift in tail, Roger, son of Roger de WEDNESLEYE to Robert his brother, toft in Wednesleye which William le MASON ? and to Robert's heirs, reversion to Roger
[21 July] 6 Ed. III [1312] (uc/chlsl)
[69] gift for life of donee, Roger de WEDNESLEYE to John de WEDNES... his brother, piece of land in fee of Mapilton
[1 May] 1322 (uc/chlsl)
[70] release, Thomas de WEDNESLEY of Newport to Ralph del DENE of Wednesley, right in 6d? rent from messuage and lands in Wensley
[13 Dec] 14 Ed.III [1340] (uc/chlsl)
[71] gift, Robert son of Roger de WEDNESLEYE to Ger... son of Roger de WEDNESLEYE, all lands etc. which Robert has in fee of Wednesleye with pasture for 30 ewes ('bidentes') in the pasture of Wednesleye
[11 Oct] 21 Ed.III [1347] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.22
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[72] confirmation, Roger de WEDNESLEYE senior to Roger his son, manor of Wednesleye, lands etc. in township of Matlok, 10s. rent, homage etc. from Attalowe lands, lands etc. in Coldeyton.
[27 Aug] 1324. (uc/chlsl)
[73] quitclaim, Jordan de SNIT'TON to Roger 'JUVENIS' (YOUNG) of Wodnesleg', alder trees in Achourse near bridge of Derleg (detailed description of position)
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.22d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[74] gift, Alice daughter of John de STANCLIF in her widowhood, to Gerard de WEDNE..., 3a. arable
[22 Nov] 23 Ed.III [1349] (uc/chlsl)
[75] gift, Gerard de WEDNESLEYE to Hugh ?ORENG' and others, all lands etc. in Wed...
[4 Sep] 39 Ed.III [1365] (uc/chlsl)
[76] gift, Richard son of Gerard de WENNESLEYE to William COMBRIGGE and Joan his wife, lands etc in township and territory of Wennesley
[25 June] 2 H. V [1414] (uc/chlsl)
[77] release, Thomas SHAWE otherwise Thomas CAMBRIGE to Richard SACHEVEREL knight, right in a messuage called Dale Hall in Wennesley and lands etc. in the same.
21 Ap. 11 H. VIII [1520] (uc/chlsl)
[78] gift, Richard SACHEVEREL knight to Ralph SACHEV... his nephew, premises as in 77
4 May 12 H. VIII [1520]
with note that Henry SACHEVEREL of Ratcliff upon Soar esq. sold the above messuage etc. to Richard WENNYSLEY of Wensley esq.
13 July 4 and 6 Ph and M [1558] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.23
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[82] gift, Elena daughter of John de ROUSLEY, and Margery, John's wife to Robert de Wynfeld chaplain and others (named), all their lands, villeins etc. in township of Matlok.
[31 Jan] 31 Ed.III [1357] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.23-23d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[83] release, Richard NICHOLAS of Matlok son and heir of William NICHOLAS recently of the same to Henry FOLJAMBE lord of Walton esq. of right in tenement, toft and croft in Matlok in which Richard's mother Alicia lives ('manet'), 5a. in Hyrstfeld and feresychfeld, le Wete medo in feresychfeld.
[30 Oct] 13 H.VII [1497] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.23d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[84] gift, John WEBSTER of Bondesall to Sir Henry MAPULTON rector of Bondesall, Sir Richard HERVY of Wynkesw... Ralphe ?GELLE of Hopton and John FORTHE junior of Wiyukesworthe, all lands in fee of Bondesalle
[8 Dec] 8 H.V [1420] (uc/chlsl)
[85] release, Henry MAPULTON rector of Bonds.., Richard HERVY chaplain, Ralph GEL and John FORTHE to John WEBSTER of Upper Bondsale, right in lands etc. which they had by feoffment of John WEBSTER, in fee of Bondsale
[8 Dec] ? 3 H.VI [?1424] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.23d-24
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[86] grant, Gilbert de COLLEG to Roger de WEDNESLEG', to farm Roger's pond between ? ('rupes') of Calwelawe on Gilbert's land, for which Roger granted Gilbert to grind his corn at Roger's mill at Wednesle.. and at Christmas ?free grinding without multure and (malt is mentioned but meaning is not clear)
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.24
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30, 'Matlock' group]
[87] gift, Thomas son of Robert JUVENIS [YOUNG] of Lindesaya to Robert de MATLOC son of Thomas de LINDESAYA, toft at ?the hill, at the head of the township of Wednisl'
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
[88] agreement of ?lease, between Robert 'JUVENE[UR]' [YOUNG] of Wednessleg' and 'Ingera le BREWISTON of Wynst' widow, that Robert with consent of wife Matilda, has leased to Ingera a toft in township of Wednesleg'
[25 Dec] ?53 Henry son of John [1268] (uc/chlsl)
[89] ?grant, John son of Robert JUVENIS [YOUNG] of Wednisl'g to Roger son of Robert de Wednisleg', right in one toft in township of Wednislg'
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.24d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
Notes from various sources concerning WENDESLEY family
13th - 15th c (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.25
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
pedigree of WENSLEY family, 13th c. or earlier, to Ann who married Ralph BLACKWALL in 1567, and pedigree of Ann and Ralph's descendants into 17th c., also description of WENSLEY arms
6669 f.26
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
copy of petition of Godfrey ROULAND seeking redress for an attack on his house at Mickel Longsdon, removal of his goods and his own imprisonment in High Peak Castle in [1399]
Attackers included Thomas de WENDESLEY knight (others are named)
1402 (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.26d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
Note concerning Richard WENDESLEY esq. steward to Archbishop PARKER
6669 f.27
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
Royal grant of rent of 6 marks and 8s. to John WENDESLEY (which he pays annually for a parcel of land in township of Wendesley which he holds as of the Duchy of 'Lancastrie') for 5 years, reciting that John has fought for 14 years in France and at Pontoise was taken prisoner, but cannot pay the ransom demanded
12 Feb. 23 H. [VI, 1445] ?Copied in 16th c. or later (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.28-9
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
Bargain and sale, Edward WARNER knight to Richard WENDESLEY of Wensley esq. and Ralph BROWNE gent., his recent chantry of Snitterton and all lands etc. in Matlock, Wensley, Bonsall and Snitterton (tenants named) recently of the chantry, closes in Matlock called Dane place or Darke place, Austen Rydding or Awster Ridding, Dicke Eye or Dyke Eye, recently of the chantry, tenement, 8a. land, 6a. meadow and 20a. pasture belonging in Wensley, recently of the chantry, close in Snitterton called Prest yarde or Preste Orcharde recently of the chantry, cottage and lands and croft in Hognaston, assigned for the maintenance of lights in Hognaston church. 2 tenements in Middleton assigned to the maintenance of an obit, Winster Chapell with Chapellyarde in Winster (usually giving the tenant) which WARNER had jointly with Ralph SHELTON of Deopham, Norfolk, esq., now dead, by grant from the Crown.
15 Sep. 3 Eliz. [1561], 23 Oct. 3 Eliz. [1561] (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.30
is blank
6669 f.30d
[Note: Part of copies and extracts relating to Wensley, catalogued ff.12-30]
pedigree of descendants of Roger JUVENIS (YOUNG) of Wednisley
13th c (uc/chlsl)
gift, Robert JUVENIS [YOUNG] son of Robert JUVENIS of Wednisleg to Robert beyond the water of Matlock ('ultra aquam de Matlach') son of Thomas de LINDESAYA, [?a moiety] of all his lands in Wednisleg?
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
gift, Roger JUVENIS of Wednisleg to Henry son of Hugh le BURULUN, 3 roods of land in territory of Wendisleg'
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
gift, Alan de MARCHAM to Robert son of Roger JUNIORIS of Wednis a barn which was of Hugh brother of Robert by gift of their father, with prese [of land] extending to Robert's court, with reference to a 'view' of 17 June 1248
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
gift, Robert son of Robert JUVENIS of Wednysley, toft in Wednysley
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
End of Wensley Deeds
6669 ff.71-2
Copy and translation of gift in frankalmoign by Henry de MOUSTERS of Essover [Ashover] to Beauchief Abbey of common [?of] pasture in the Moor of Essover within the boundaries (Latin 'divasas') described, for all their animals at their Grange of Harwood [Harewood in Beeley parish] describing boundaries in detail including mention of Herward Strete and a road (Latin 'viam') leading from Ashover to Matlock bridge, etc.
n.d. (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.77-9
Copy of exemplification of a suit in replevin between Thomas ALSOP pl. and German POLE esq. and others defendants, Hil. 37 H.VIII [1546] ; concerns Browneswood at Matlock
6669 f.107
Printed advertisement of auction sale at Matlock Old Bath on July 1799, of large copyhold messuage near the Cross in Bonsall and a new erected freehold house in Scarthinick, parish of Matlock (further details). Particulars may be had from Mr. WOLLEY, attorney, Matlock.
Printer DREWRY. [Auctioneer]. Mr. JACKSON
6669 ff.159-160
- "Minutes of some Letters and Papers relating to Haddon, etc."
... Families in Neighbourhood of Haddon Hall in 1666-7-8.
... Mr. MILWARD at Snitterton.
... Mr. WOLLEY at Ribur.
(DASJ Vol XXXIII, p.176)
6669 ff.220-223
Letter from (?) Jos. BANKS at Soho Square, London, to A. WOLLEY thanking him for 'sending up' the ancient horns and bones discovered at Matlock and giving his (BANKS's) opinion on them, 4 Feb. 1799.
[Note : 'Long letter from (Sir) Joseph BANKS to Mr. WOLLEY, Feb. 4th, 1799, as to ancient horns and bones discovered at Matlock pronounced to be red deer of Peak Forest'.
(DASJ Vol XXXIII, p.182)]
6669 ff.243-277 Manor of Matlock
6669 ff.243-255
Copy of Articles of agreement between 1. John MIDDLETON of 'Wannesley', co. Nottingham, esq., Arthur MOORE of Milthorpe gent., Richard SENIOR of Cowley gent. and George HEATHCOTE of Cutthorpe gent. and 2. about 38 copyholders of the manor of Matlock, giving names, parishes and occupations or status and 3. various persons on behalf of 6 minors who are copyholders of the manor giving same information about them as in 2. reciting the sale by 4 citizens of London, for £622 16s 8d paid to CHAMBERLAIN of London, to 1. of the Manor of Matlock, then parcel of the honour of Tutbury ('Tidbury') and lands, courts, tithes etc. etc. on 9 Nov. last [1629], which money was raised and paid by 2. and 3. proportionally according to each copyholder's rent and declaring that the trusts of the recited sale of 9 Nov. [1629] are that the premises shall be for the benefit of 2. and 3. and the profits etc. divided amongst 2. and 3. proportionally according to rents of the copyholders as in annexed schedule. Further details, including provision for conversion of copyhold into freehold.
14 January 1629/30. ff.243-253
Schedule of copyhold rents ff.253d-255 14 Jan. 1629/30
6669 f.259d
Copy of lease and release by George Earl of MACCLESFIELD and Thomas ANSON of Shutborough [Shugborough] manor, co. Stafford esq. and his brother and 4 sisters, to William ALSOP of Ryber, Matlock, yeoman, of the Coat Close near Ryber, formerly purchased, with other lands, by Jennett CANYER, the grandmother of Jennetta mother of the Earl above and of Isabella ANSON decd. Mother of the ANSONs above, Countess Jennett and Isabella ANSON being as sisters and co-heirs of Elizabeth GENT of Wirksworth deceased, seised at their deaths of moieties of the Close. 27, 28 July 1739.
In possession of Richard ARKWRIGHT esq., 1801
6669 ff.260-1
Extracts from Bonsall parish register, 1651-1718
[Note: this is part of the section of the manuscripts dealing with the Manor of Matlock]
6669 f.262
Copies of inscriptions in a church [possibly Dronfield]. Families named are MO(O)REWOOD of Hallowes [?in Unstone parish], NEVILL, BURTON and WRIGHT. 17th - early 18thc.
[Note: this is part of the section of the manuscripts dealing with the Manor of Matlock]
6669 f.262d-263
Notes, extracts from deeds etc. involving members of the (de) BRAYLESFORD (various spellings) family ; especially Sir Roger Rector of Dronfield. Includes references to charter of Thomas CHAWORTH knight granting his hamlet of Grenehall to the Priory of Beauchief in Derbyshire, n.d., charter of Robert de KNIVETON granting to Sir Roger de BRALISFORD chaplain of Bradel [?Bradley] a tenement in Esseburne [Ashbourne] Tuesday after feast of Trinity [8 June] 1316, charter of Adam de RERESBY knight, Friday before feast of St. Martin the Bishop 1s Ed. son of Ed. [6 Nov. 1321], charter of Robert de RERESBY concerning a moor which lay between les Staynweys and le Blakehege and mentioning boundary between fees of Essover [Ashover] and Wyngeworth, path of field of Thwathweyt [Swathwick in Wingerworth], also other place names, n.d. all on f.262d, and on f.263 inquisition post mortem of Henry de BRAYLESFORD, who held manors of Braylesford and ?Hington, advowsons of Wingerworth and Dronfield.
25 Ed.I [1296-7] Perhaps written in 17thc.
[Note: this is part of the section of the manuscripts dealing with the Manor of Matlock]
6669 ff.256-258
An abstract of deeds etc. relating to the manor of Matlock, 1628-1788. Includes reference to sale of the manor by CHARLES Ist to 4 citizens of London in 1628 and their sale of it to trustees of the copyholders in 1629 ; confirmation of lease of Matlock Bath-House, 1727 or 1727/8; lease of calamy [calamine or zinc carbonate] 1767 ; lease of liberty to build mills and water wheels on lands etc. adjoining High-Torr Wood, and also near Matlock Bridge for unwatering mines 1768 ; lease of leave to get calamy 1774 ; lease of Lumbs Smelting mills 1778 ; grants of houses, Matlock Bath, Matlock Bank and Cuckoostone Dale.
1788. (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.264
Appointment by lords of the manor of Matlock of John WINGFIELD of Wirksworth gent. as steward for the manor court.
29 Aug 1701. (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.265-6
Replevin bond by which John HOLLINGSWORTH of Ashover freemason with 2 others, is bound to 4 persons (named) lords of manor of Matlock to enter his ? at the next court at Matlock etc. concerning the taking of his heifer, and to save the lords harmles concerning the replevining of the heifer.
2 Aug. 1657. (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.267, 272d
? draft of proceedings in great court baron of manor of Matlock, 23 Oct 1701, chiefly relating to a recovery of land, involving Samuel SPATEMAN gent. and wife Millicent, f.267
A page otherwise blank inscribed "Mr. SPATEMAN's Recovery".
6669 ff.268-9
Summary of points of will, dated 24 Aug. 1695, of Millicent WIGLEY, followed by copy of part of it. Bequeathes land in Matlock and Riber. Bequests are chiefly to grandchildren.
6669 ff.270
Letter from J. Odingsells LEEKE at Nott. to Godfrey WATKINSON esq. at Brampton Moor near Chesterfield, saying Mr. William TURNER tells LEEKE that the lords of the manor of Matlock have made a long lease of the Bath to WRAGG ... and expects before his uncle assigns his trust there should be a clause inserted to confirm the lease etc.
7 Dec 1725 (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.271
Customs of the manor of Matlock (9 articles only) for the court of 9 May 1666 (?copied from f.273)
6669 f.271d
Notes of a case relating to claim of Mrs. WINGFIELD, widow of John MILLNS who died 3 Jan 1701/2, to her third of his copyhold estate.
Notes of costs ? of holding a court.
1707. (uc/chlsl)
6669 f.272
Blank, except for words "Mr. SPATEMAN's Recovery" - see ff.267, 272d (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.273-4
"A customary" or presentment of custom, together with some bye laws and pains, made by the jurors of the Manor of Matlock for the court Leet and court baron, 9 May 1666. At the end is a short rental, then apparently a contemation of the presentment, relating to houses built without 4 acres, followed by a list of names, with occasionally places. Note in Adam WOLLEY's hand that this was written by John WOLLEY of Allen Hill, his great great grandfather. (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.275-6
Surrender, at small court baron of manor of Matlock, by Anthony WOLLEY of Riber gent. of customary messuage, lands etc. in Matlock and Riber, the hereditaments of William WOLLEY esq. deceased, to the use of Anthony for his life and then to the uses of his will.
18 Feb 19 Ch.II ? 1668/9 [but 19 Ch.II should be 1666/7] (uc/chlsl)
6669 ff.276d-277
Copy ? of tomb inscriptions relating to Joseph FERN A.M. recently Rector*, died 1717, and his wife Jane died 1714. [*of Matlock]
End of the Manor of Matlock
6669 ff.343-357
Index to ff.306-339, written on backs of auction advertisements:
for a large copyhold messuage with garden etc. near the Cross at Bonsall and a freehold house in Scarthinick [Matlock] giving 'tenants' names to be auctioned at Matlock Old Bath 29 July 1799.
[Auctioneer] Mr. JACKSON. Printer DREWRY, Derby. ff.343d-349d
for several freehold closes in the liberty of Newbold parish Chesterfield and at Holmgate, parish North Wingfield, giving field names, acreages, tenants, to be auctioned by Mr. GOSLING at the Angel Inn, Chesterfield, 11 Dec 1812. Printer DREWRY, Derby. Mention of Mr. NUTTALL. Land Surveyor, Matlock. ff.350d.-357d. (uc/chlsl)