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Nov 2018 |
New page:
1. Smedley's
Hydropathic Establishment Matlock, Brochure, 1939. It
had the misfortune to be published just before the outbreak
of war, when Smedley's was requisitioned. With thanks
to Ray Ash
1. Matlock Bath:
The White family of Bonsall, Scarthin & Matlock,
about 1908. Charles White, his wife and 6 children moved
from Bonsall to Scarthin in 1905. With thanks to Alan Flint. |
Additions to:
1. Whittaker's
Tordale Bottling Plant, Dale Road, Matlock Bath - Labels.
The page has been redesigned. |
Additions to:
1. Matlock: Smedley's
Hydro, The Inter-War Years. An image of the hydro from
2. Matlock
Bath: Great Rutland Cavern, Old Oak Tree & Roman
Staircase. Two additional postcards.
3. Matlock
Bath: Promenade & Memorial, 1920s and 1930s - two more images added.
4. MIs - two more MIs for
the FERN surname, plus a photo. With thanks to Tony Fern. |
Oct 2018 |
Additions to:
1. Matlock
Bath: River Derwent from Scarthin Rock. A second view
from the south end of the River Derwent, showing Harp Edge
and Woodbank from Scarthin Rock. |
Sep 2018 |
New page:
1. Matlock
Bath: Old Bath Hotel Engraving, 1776. A thermal
spring was discovered here in 1696. The Old Bath Hotel
was developed for those seeking the curative powers of
the spring water. |
Additions to:
1. Matlock St Giles' Church
Baptisms, 1660 - 1671. Several more years added, with
296 new entries. Transcribed by the web mistress.
2. Matlock
Bath: Illuminations & Venetian Fête in the 1950s.
Two programme covers added
3. Matlock
Bath: Venetian Fête (now Venetian Nights), decorated
boats. Picture of prize winning boat (no date) added.
4. Matlock
Bath: Woodbank (Cromford Court), 1912, exterior. Another
image added. |
Aug 2018 |
New page:
1. Matlock:
Smedley's Hydro Prospectus, 1885-6. Small folding
brochure, with details of the hydropathic establishment. |
Jul 2018 |
New pages:
1. Matlock:
Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment - Smoking Room. Whilst
John Smedley disapproved of smoking, eighteen years after
his death the hydro's management installed a smoke room.
2. Matlock St Giles' Church
Baptisms, 1660 - 1671. So far Apr 1660 to July 1663 completed,
with 110 names added. |
Changes to Find
a Name are
now complete, proving more information to aid searches. |
Jun 2018 |
Additions to:
1. Matlock Bath:
The Grand Pavilion, 1920s. Fourth image, dating from
1927. |
Apr 2018 |
Additions to:
1. Matlock: The
Wishing Stone. Another image added. |
Mar 2016 |
New pages:
1. Matlock: The
Dale, The Heights, High Tor & the Quarry, 1920s.
View of the entrance to the dale. 2 images, one an enlargement
of the main image.
2. Matlock Bath:
From the Heights of Abraham, The Changing Landscape. South Parade, with views of both Pavilions and
the Royal Hotel in the 1920s. Two images.
3. Matlock Bath:
From the Heights of Abraham, the Changed Landscape. Post World War Two, showing that only part of
the former Royal Hotel remained and evidence of the Army's
occupation in the village during that war. Two images. |
The Find
A Name section is being updated,
though it will take a while. Longer link names are being
added to assist navigation. |
Feb 2018 |
New page:
1. Documents
Relating to Matlock, Duchy of Lancaster Court Rolls from
the reigns of James I and Charles I.
2. Matlock Bath:
From the Heights of Abraham to Crich Stand & Beyond.
Wonderful view from high up on Masson looking towards Crich
and southwards. |
Additions to:
1. Biographies. Updates to
2. Matlock & District
Amateur Operatic Society, Productions 1907-69. 1949 programme
cover, from Susan Tomlinson. |
Jan 2018 |
New page:
1. Matlock
Bank from High Tor, 1920s. There was still not a great
deal of development in the area around Woolley Road and Imperial
Road in the early 1920s. With thanks to Susan Tomlinson for
the very helpful input.
2. Matlock Bath:
Dale Road, the County & Station and Holmefield
House. The Midland Restaurant was on the ground floor of
Holmfield House. |
Additions to:
1. Matlock
Bath from Lovers' Walk, 1779. More info added
2. Matlock
Bath, 1806. An enlargement of part of the main image
has been added and more information.
3. Matlock
Bath from the Temple House, 1810. More info added.
4. Matlock
Bath: Adam & Co., Royal Museum Advertisement, 1840.
Now with enlargement of the Museum
5. Matlock Bath:
Ashfield, originally The Villa. More info
6. Matlock
Bath: Fish Pond Stables, Providence Mine & the Mud Heap.
A little more background info has been .added and a postcard.
7. Matlock Bath:
Dale Road & The Heights of Abraham, about 1948. Includes
two advertisements for Dale Road businesses.
8. Matlock
Bath: Derwent Gardens - from Lovers Walks, before 1905,
which shows the southern end of the switchback, has an additional
image and more information.
9. Matlock
Bath: Derwent Gardens - The Café (2). A memorial
card for Mrs. Boden has been added. Will grateful thanks
to her grandson, Geoff Hardy.
10. Matlock
Bath: Lover's Walk, Riverside Path. A sepia image,
from 1886, has been added.
12. Matlock
Bath : Lovers' Walks and River Derwent. Enlargement of
a section to show the Switchback's main building.
13. Matlock
Bath: On the Lovers' Walk - and the Ferry, 1900. Enlargement
of a section to show the ferry boat. Also more info.
14. Matlock
- looking towards Hackney, early 20th Century now
has info about the road before it became Wolley Road and
an additional picture, enlarged from the main image.
15. Phbe Bown
(1771 - 1854). A quote from Hutchinson
(1810) has now been added to clarify what he actually wrote
about her.
16. Water Cures. The section about
the Spa of Matlock Bath has been added to.
17. Matlock & Matlock Bath Miscellany,
some additions including image links. |