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Dec 2020 |
New pages:
The page about Chatsworth Hydro has been re-written and split
into two sections. The image published in a book about
C & A is now on Matlock:
Chatsworth Hydro, 1912-46
1. Matlock:
Poplar Cottage & Jeffs' Poplar Hydro (Chatsworth
Hydro), 1857-1912. Poplar Cottage was opened by Ralph
Davis in 1857 and was later run by other members of the family.
It changed hands in 1900 and became Jeffs' Poplar Hydro.
Two images and two advertisements. Included as image from
the Maureen Smith collection.
2. Matlock:
Chatsworth Hydro, 1912-46. A hydro, a clothing company's
UK headquarters and a teacher training college. Jeffs Poplar
Hydro underwent a change of name before the first war and
the newly named hydro was often advertised as being close
to the golf links. It had a number of owners between the
war, was bought by C & A and eventually sold
in 1946 to become part of the Teacher Training College. Four
images and an advertisement. Includes an image from the Maureen
Smith collection |
Additions to:
1. Matlock:
General View from Jackson Tor, 1904-1910, & Jackson House.
A second advert for the hydro and more info.
2. Matlock
Bath: Museum Parade & The Pitchings, 1910. The page
has been re-written as more information has been found. |
2020 |
New page:
1. Matlock
Bath: The Pavilion on the Hillside, mid 1880s. Panoramic
view, showing the recently opened Royal Hotel, the Church,
the newly built Pavilion and the Victorian Houses on Clifton
Road. |
Additions to:
A new collection, the Maureen Smith collection, has been
donated and pictures from it will be added to the site
over the coming months. Five images have already been included
(items 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8). With grateful thanks.
1. Another MI, for the surname
STATHAM. With thanks to Kellie Channing for the photograph.
2. Flooding in the Matlocks. 1921
image is new.
3. Bank Road & the Steep-Gradient
Tramway. 1921
image is new.
4. Hawe
Lees, Matlock, showing Bandstand and New Pavilion. The
image has been replaced.
5. Matlock: Lumsdale,
about 1900. Two additional postcards and another photograph.
6. Matlock: Lumsdale
Ponds. Two additional images and more about the ponds
7. Matlock: Derby
& Derbyshire Convalescent Home (NALGO House).
A new image and more about its time as NALGO House.
8. Matlock & District
Amateur Operatic Society, Productions 1907-69. A number
of programme covers have been donated to help fill in the
gaps. Thanks to Jane Boden and the Maureen Smith collection.
9. Matlock & Matlock
Bath : Multiviews from the late Nineteenth Century to 1914.
Additional image.
10. Matlock
Bath: Lovers' Walks. A 1930s image has been added.
Bath: The Royal Hotel, Pavilion and Holy Trinity Church.
Second image added, showing a helter skelter lighthouse
on the Fish Pond Stables site.
12. Matlock: Ernest
Bailey's Grammar School, July 1947. Additional
names from Albert John Cooke. Thank you. There are many names
of male pupils but female pupil names are much less in number!
13. R. Bagshaw has discovered a second service number for
WW1 casualty
Charles Bunting, resulting in finding more information
about him. With grateful thanks. |
Sep 2020 |
New pages:
1. Matlock:
Chesterfield House Hydro, 1868. A steel engraving
of Ralph Davis' Chesterfield House Hydro, executed not
long after it was built.
2. Matlock & District
Amateur Operatic Society, 1930 - The Gondoliers, entire cast.
Everyone on the stage at Matlock Cinema House (later the
Ritz Cinema). Bernice Stoddart collection. This is a new
collection, that belonged to the owner of the Prom Cafe
in Matlock Bath. With very grateful thanks to Gina and
3. Matlock & District
Amateur Operatic Society, 1931-5.
Photographs of the society's productions in the first half
of the 1930s. Ruddigore (1931), The Yeomen of the Guard
(1932 - no images), The Chocolate Soldier (1934), The Quaker
Girl (1935). Also from the Bernice Stoddart collection
4. Matlock:
Starkholmes Women's Institute, late 1953 - Tree Planting.
The WI bought two cherry trees to commemorate the coronation
of Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you to Susan Tomlinson for
her photo and for checking the WIs archives. |
Additions to:
1. Matlock:
Smedley's Memorial Hydropathic Hospital. Advertisement
for South View Cottage added. This was the building's
original name.
From the Bernice Stoddart collection:
2. Matlock & District
Amateur Operatic Society, 1956. Photo of some of the
cast and helpers enjoying afternoon tea between the afternoon
and evening performances.
3. Matlock
Bath: Lovers' Walks and the Band Stand. Additional photo.
4. Matlock
Bath: Pantomime in the Parochial Hall, 1941. Additional
5. Matlock & District
Amateur Operatic Society, Productions 1907-69. Cover
of the 1939 production. |
Aug 2020 |
New page:
1. Matlock
Training College staff and students 1958. Panoramic
photo split into six sections. With thanks to Keith Mason. |
2. Additions to:
1. Matlock: Rockside
Hydro. Additional image of the hydro, not long after
the 1906 rebuild.
2. Matlock
Dale: High Tor & the Suspension Bridge over the Derwent. A
second image of the same view a year or so before the bridge
was built has been added.
3. Matlock & Matlock Bath: Inspiration
of Poets. A poem about the Via Gellia, written by
William Gregory who lived at Bonsall and then Holloway.
With grateful thanks to Susan Tomlinson. |
Jul 2020 |
New pages:
In the section covering Matlock
St Giles' Church Marriages:
1. Witnesses to Marriages
(1754 - 1779)
2. Witnesses to Marriages
(1780 - 1800)
Most marriages were witnessed by either one, two, and sometimes three people.
Witnesses included clergy, people connected to the church and relatives.
With very grateful thanks to Susan Tomlinson for transcribing
the witnesses for this web site. It is a really useful additional
3. Matlock: St.
Giles' Church, 1890s.The parish church before the renovation
of 1897-8. The parish church before the renovation of 1897-8.
Includes the purchase of a safe for storing the parish registers..Two
4. Matlock: Lumsdale
Ponds. Tansley Mill, later Scholes Mill, was built for
Samuel Unwin at the end of the seventeenth century. Also
the Middle Pond. Two images.
5. Whose name should be on Matlock's War Memorial on Pic
Names on Matlock's War Memorial : WW1, Surnames A - J
Names Not on Matlock's Memorial |
Additions to:
1. Matlock: St. Giles'
Church Interior, about 1910-12. Images added - and
some surprising art work on the walls surrounding the chancel's
east window.
Since putting these additions online, I have been given three
more images for website publication. Please revisit as I
am adding more written material to the page as a result.
2. Matlock Bath: Rider Point,
Via Gellia. A Charles Colledge card has been added.
3. Matlock
Dale: St. John's Church, Cliff Road (2). Additional pre
WW1 image.
4. Lists
Through the Centuries: The Nineteenth Century: Church Fundraising,
1859, 1886 - 1895. Restoration of Matlock Parish Church,
1859. This was for the restoration of the chancel. |
May 2020 |
New page:
Tordale Bottling Plant, Dale Road, Matlock Bath - Bottles
& Siphons.
A rare blue soda siphon with the Whittaker name on it and
several Codd bottles used by Mrs. Whittaker. With grateful
thanks to a private collector. |
Additions to:
1. Names on Matlock's War Memorial
: WW1, Surnames K - W
The identity of R. Milne, together with his war record, has now been confirmed
following recent research.
There are now only 3 casualties on the memorial whose identity is uncertain. |
Apr 2020 |
During April I have concentrated on filling
in all the gaps in the Parish Registers. Some of the pages
needed rearranging as a result.
1. Baptisms from July 1776-79 were added, so a new
page of baptisms 1770-1779 was
created and other pages were reorganised, with some information
corrected or re-transcribed.
2. 1801 baptisms have been added and entries between
29 Sep 1799 to 11 Apr 1803.
3. Baptisms for 1832,
also missing, have been transcribed for the site by Susan
Burials from October 1776-79 were added, so a new page
of burials
1770-1779 was created and other pages were reorganised,
with some information corrected or re-transcribed.
for 1832 were also missing, and have been transcribed
for the site by Susan Tomlinson.
With grateful thanks to Susan for her invaluable help.
Other pages have been updated, but I have not noted them
all. |
Mar 2020 |
New pages:
1. Matlock
Bath: New Bath Hotel, from Wild Cat Tor. CDV of both
the hotel and the properties nearby, with a contemporary
description of the hotel by William Adam
2. Matlock
Bath: General Views from Cat Tor, 1906 - 1913. Three
more images of the view of the village from Cat Tor, two
definitely taken before the First World War and the third
one, from a Ward Lock Guide, was possibly taken then. The
Ward Lock image has been transferred from an older page on
the web-site which no longer exists. With thanks to Susan
Tomlinson for the use of one of her postcards. |
Additions to:
1. Engraving
of Matlock Bath, from the Wild Cat Tor Enlargement of
part of the image. The image is of an earlier date
that first thought.
2. New
Bath Hotel Stereoview has a little more about the nineteenth
century visitors.
2. Matlock Bath:
New Bath Hotel (2). Two more postcards added, as well
as additional info about the hotel's once famous lime tree.
3. Matlock Bath:
New Bath Hotel (5) - Two images and an enlargement.
Now includes why and when the Roadhouse Bar was built.
4. Matlock
Bath: New Bath Hotel Booklet, about 1900. Two pages have
been merged so that all three pictures from the booklet are
on the same page.
5. Hall's "Days in
Derbyshire" 1863 has been redesigned and more material
added to existing pages. There is also a new chapter covering
Riber, Dethick and Lea. The images have also been improved.
6. Croston's "On
Foot Through the Peak", 1868 has also been redesigned,
with a number of new pages added, existing chapters added
to and images improved. So Chapters 14 and 15 (the latter
in two parts) are now complete instead of partially transcribed
and Chapter 16, in two parts, is new.
7. Other guides have had images improved and/or have minor
additions. See the Matlock
& Matlock Bath Guides Index.
8. Three more St. Giles' MIs
for the surname WHEATCROFT. With thanks to Susan Tomlinson.
9. Matlock Bath
Holy Trinity Church Burials - additions to |
Feb 2020 |
New Pages:
1. Matlock
Bath: The High Tor, the Railway and the Gas Works, mid 1860s.
CDV taken by Mr. or Mrs. Petschler.
2. Matlock
Bath: Children's Corner, Grand Pavilion, 1923.
This was sited on ground that had formerly belonged to the
Ferry House. |
Additions to:
1. Matlock
Bath: Grand Pavilion, Obelisk and Spar Shop. Includes more about
the spar shop as well as details about the Old Bath/Royal
Hotel obelisk over the year. Now includes who re-painted
the sign in 1938, replacing the Royal Hotel's name with that
of the Temple.
2. Matlock
Bath: The Royal Pavilion - the Palais Royal. A black
and white image of the Pavilion has been added, enlarged
from a postcard, and replacing a smaller image.
3. Holy
Trinity Church, Matlock Bath - Interior. Now includes
a description of the interior after it was built.
4. Matlock
Bath: Lovers' Walks, 1914. More about a former shop on
that side of the river.
5. Jane Thomas has kindly supplied photographs of headstones,
etc., in St. Giles Churchyard
Area A. They include surnames Andrews, Ashmore, Brailsford,
Duggins, Farmer,Moore, Morley, Potter, Towe and Wilson. These
have been transcribed.
6. Some time ago an image of the old glasshouses had been
added to Matlock
Bath: New Bath Hotel and Cat Tor, 1930s. This has been
enlarged and improved. |
Jan 2020 |
New pages:
1. Matlock:
Willersley Castle Contents Sale, 1927 - Drawing Room.
A number of good quality fireplaces were advertised in the
sale catalogue, including this one. With an image of the
room after the Castle was sold.
2. Matlock
Bath: View from the Heights of Jacob - the top of Jacob's
Ladder or Steps. Old steps, set in woodland, connecting
South Parade with Bonsall via Upperwood. With thanks to Susan
Tomlinson for the use of her photographic postcard.
3. Pre 1858 Wills & Administrations
in various UK archives Surnames C - G has been created
from Wills Surnames A - G as that page was getting too large.
The info for Surnames
A - B are on the original page, with
some changes to the navigation. |
Additions to:
1. Matlock:
Smedley's Hydro Drawing Room, 1906. Wonderful description
of the room, from Henry Steer's book, now included.
2. Biographies, Surnames
S. Short biography of local architect George Edward Statham,
who designed the Old English and undertook work for Smedley's
3. Matlock & Matlock Bath
Miscellany. The sections about
Matlock & District Rifle Club and the National Reserve,
Matlock Branch have been updated and details about Matlock's
coat of arms have been added.
4. Matlock Bath:
Temple Hotel. A third postcard and another
advertisement added.
5. Short extracts from William Adam's 1857 edition of "The
Gem of the Peak" about the recently opened Smedley's
Hydro have been added to Matlock:
View From Matlock Bank and Matlock:
Smedley's Hydro, Extending the Hydro.
6. Matlock & Matlock Bath
References - Books & Other Publications now includes
a review of the latest book by Christopher Charlton and Doreen
Buxton - "Matlock Bath - A perfectly romantic place". |