1751 |
The Derby Mercury, 14 June 1751
THE LONG ROOM is now ready for the Reception of COMPANY :
And at the same Place there is this Summer a NEW BATH made
much larger, and more commodious than either of the old
ones. |
1766 |
Stamford Mercury, 27 February 1766
On Wednesday sevennight was held (by advertisement in the
Derby Pader) [sic] a General meeting of the Gentlemen
Adventurers, and Miners, of the county of Derby, at Matlock
Bath, to consider of the demand, lately made, of Lot of Smitham
; and though it snow'd and blow'd terribly the whole day,
yet so anxious were the people, that many hundreds attended,
and presented many very sensible and moving petitions to the
Gentlemen, praying their aid to defend the customs, and to
guard them against impending ruin ; offering to subscribe
severally, or jointly, any sum in their power ; or to leave
one shilling per. load of all their ore, as it shall be measured,
in the hand of the ore buyer, to be paid by those who shall
engage in their defence. Their manner and looks, at the delivery
of these petitions, were so expressive of their distress,
that it is hoped they will have the desired effect.
Lead Mining
1772 |
Reading Mercury, Monday 2
November 1772
A short time since, a number of wheels, by which one person
can spin several threads of cotton at the same time, were invented
by a gentleman of Blackbourne in Lancashire ; and buildings
are now erecting there, and at Matlock in Derbyshire, for spinning
cotton upon large machines, to be worked like silk-mills, by
water and by horses, by which it is asserted, the price of cotton
yarn will much reduced, to occasion a vast increase of demand
for cotton manufactures, and of consequence more employment
for the people concerned in those branches of business. The
application of such machines to the spinning of woollen yarn
seems to be an object of national consequence, and well deserving
the serious attention of the woolen manufacturers.
[The "gentleman" was Richard Arkwright] |
1780 |
Nottingham Journal, Saturday
1st April 1780
[found in the parish register of Headon, NTT so not strictly a cutting]
On Wednesday last at Matlock in Derbyshire, the lady of Robert
Drummond Esq of Brodsworth in the County of York, whose virtues
were superior to praise and in whose loss is beyond the expressions
of grief.
Mrs Drummond the time of whose death is set down above was Julia
the only daughter of Anthony Eyre Esq of Grove by Judith Latiticia
his wife, born 26th October 1755 and married April 19 1779, buried
Brodsworth in the County of York 4th April 1780. |
1794 |
The Derby Mercury, 31 July 1794
On Friday last the New Theatre at Matlock Bath was opened to a brilliant
audience. The Theatre is commodious and airy : and as Matlock Bath
is at present very full of company, we make no doubt of Mr. Hamilton's
reaping the reward of his spirited undertaking.
1797 |
The Derby Mercury, 19 January 1797
Friday last a fatal accident happened to two men who were at work
in a Lead mine near Wirksworth, in this county, occasioned by the
ground suddenly giving way and closing in upon them, by which they
were immediately buried in the ruins. - The body of one of them
was dug out on Monday afternoon ; the other has not yet been found.
- Each of them have left a widow and several children to lament
their misfortune.
[See the next article] |
The Derby Mercury, 26 January 1797
We are happy to acquaint our readers, that Job Pearson of Matlock
Upperwood, one of the poor men who were buried by the running in
of a lead mine, near Wirksworth, (as mentioned in our last week's
paper,) has, after a week's confinement, been providentially discovered
alive, and is now in a fair way to recovery. - His release may
principally be ascribed to the humane exertions of a gentleman
of great respectability at Wirksworth, by whom a number of miners
were unremittingly employed for that purpose; he has, however,
the heartfelt satisfaction of having restored to a disconsolate
wife and nine small children, an excellent husband and father,
and to society, an honest and industrious member. - Anthony Pearson,
the other miner, was found dead some days before.
[Anthony Pearson, son of Luke and Elizabeth
Pearson, was christened at Bonsall on 30 Mar 1766. His burial took
place on 17 Jan 1797]
Lead Mining
1820 |
Liverpool Mercury, Friday, 28
April, 1820
Same day [Tues 11th inst] at Old Bath Matlock, Mr Joseph
Cummings. About the same hour his wife gave birth to a son.
C (scroll down)
1822 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 2
October, 1822
Lately, at the Old Bath, Matlock, aged 60, after a short illness,
the Right Hon. Lady Delaval, of Ford Castle, Northumberland. |
1823 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
5 February, 1823
On Monday morning last, Mr. Robert Gunton,
shopkeeper, of Matlock Bath, was found suspended by a rope in his
shop, quite dead ; evidently his own melancholy act. - An inquest
was on the body this day. |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 12 February, 1823
SINGULAR OCCURRENCE. - An uncommonly fine bird, of the species of
the Golden Eagle, was observed a few days since soaring about the
stupendous rocky mountain well known as the High Tor, in the immediate
neighbour-hood of Matlock Bath. A labouring mechanic having seen
him perch in a tree about a mile south east of the Baths on the
banks of the river Derwent, immediately provided himself with a
fowling piece, and having, in loading it, supplied slugs instead
of shot, succeeded in bringing down his bird, a prize rarely met
with in this country. - The bird was presented to the Lady of Peter
Arkwright, Esq. of the Rock House, who, we understand, has adopted
the necessary means for its preservation.
Matlock Bath, High Tor
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 16 April, 1823
On the night of the 7th instant, Mr. Bunting,
carrier between this town [Derby] and Sheffield, unfortunately lost
his life by accidentally falling into the river Derwent, near Matlock
Bath. His cart was found on the road on the following morning, and
his faithful dog had continued on the spot where it is supposed the
fatal accident had occurred. |
1827 |
The Derby Mercury, 19 December 1827
On Wednesday night last the shop of Mr. G. Marshall, at Matlock
Bath, was broke into, and five pairs mens' shoes, three half boots,
three pairs ladies' satin shoes, seven pairs ladies' walking shoes,
and a silver watch (maker's name "James Bown of Matlock",
No.5178) stolen thereout. - The robbery was effected about eight
o'clock in the evening, during the temporary absence of the proprietor. |
1828 |
The Morning Post, Wednesday,
20 August, 1828
The inhabitants of this delightful watering-place, ever attentive
to the amusement of their numerous visitors, have hit upon a scheme
for rendering the beautiful and romantic scenery, for which the
place is so justly celebrated, visible in the night. An exhibition
of Bengal Lights (similar to those used in the Devonshire CAVERN)
took place on the evening of yesterday se'enight, on a projected
elevated rock near Mr. ARKWRIGHT's Gardens, and the effect produced
by the display of these curios fire-works was grand in the extreme.
Small lights were first shown, which when extinguished, made the
night (a very dark one) appear more densely dark than it really
was ; these were succeeded by an immense and continued blaze of
a peculiar kind of light, of such splendour, that the varied beauties
of the landscape were distinctly visible for miles around.
Bath: Illuminations & Venetian Fête in the 1950s
The Morning Post, Wednesday,
August 20, 1828
There is now in the museum garden at Matlock Bath, a beautiful
bird of the kite or buzzard species, which attracts the attention
of the numerous visitors to that romantic spot. It was taken about
three miles from Matlock, nearly four years ago, and placed in the
above garden, where it soon took up its station on one of the Tuffa
[sic] Rocks, and has remained perched thereon nearly ever since.
It is regularly fed on the rock, to which it is so tenaciously
attached, that the most pitiless storm has not the effect of driving
it from its chosen spot. Its colour is a greyish white, with dark
brown spots, and its wings, when extended, from tip to tip, three
feet eleven inches. It was he opinion of an eminent ornithologist
who visited Matlock some time ago, that this bird is the honey
buzzard, a species that is seldom met with in this country. |
1829 |
The Derby Mercury, 8 April 1829
TO LET, and immediate possession given,
AN Old Established GROCER'S SHOP situated in the Museum Parade, and
occupied by Mrs. White, (retiring from business.)
For particulars apply to Mr. VALLANCE, at the Museum, Matlock Bath
; or Mr. Hall, Spar Works, Derby. |
1836 |
The Derby Mercury, 27 July 1836
WANTON MISCHIEF. - A number of sign boards, gates & c. were
removed from their proper places on Monday night, the 18th instant,
at Matlock Bath, and some ornamental masonry defaced and injured
at Mr. Rawlinson's villa, Mr. Pearson's petrifying well was forcibly
entered and a number of speciments broken and the fragments thrown
into a pond near the shop.
1838 |
Derbyshire Courier, 7 April 1838
Providential Escape.- On Tuesday last, Mr. John Smedley, of Matlock
Bath, fell from rock into a deep and dangerous part of the river
Derwent, at the above place. Mr. S. was shortly afterwards seen in
the water by one of his sons, who, however, could render no effectual
assistance. The youth raised an alarm, and Mr. James Pearson, jun.,
was the first on the spot and happily succeeded in rescuing Mr. Smedley
from a premature end, but not before animation appeared to be extinct.
It is a singular fact that Pearson, although not 23 years of age,
has, at different periods, been the means of rescuing four fellow
creatures from drowning.
John Smedley and his
family were in Matlock Bath in the
1841 census.
James Pearson was also
in Matlock Bath in the 1841 census.
Derbyshire Courier, 07 April 1838
MATLOCK BATH.- An inquest was held at Matlock Bath, on Wednesday
last, at the King's Head, on the body of Mr. Francis Hursthouse,
sen. who died suddenly on the evening of the preceding Monday.
The deceased, who was 81 years old, appeared in his usual health
up to a very short period of his death, when after having partaken
of tea he complained of being unwell, and left the house, going
in the direction of the stables, near which he was found soon afterwards
in an insensible state, and before medical aid could be procured
he expired. Mr. Hursthouse was many years Barmaster for the Matlock
mineral district, and was highly respected by all who knew him.
The facts above stated appearing to the jury, a verdict was returned
Lead Mining in
Matlock & Matlock
1839 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
18 September, 1839
MATLOCK WAKES. - The annual festival or wakes came to a conclusion
on Saturday after a week's rational enjoyment, unattended with any
irregularities worth mentioning. Among the amusements introduced
was a display of fire-works at Matlock Bridge, by a clever pyrotechnic
from Sheffield named Gaskill. The beauty and brilliancy of the various
devices gave general satisfaction, and at the request of a number
of the inhabitants and visitors Mr. Gaskill was induced to give a
repetition of the evening on the Old Bath Green. On this occasion
a number of new fancy pieces were introduced and Mr. Gaskill's exertions
were not only rewarded by continued applause during the firing, but
with something more substantial at the conclusion. The old nonsense
of climbing the pole, hasty pudding eating, &c., was on this
occasion dispensed with ; but we must not omit to mention that great
credit is due to Mr. Wyatt of the King's Head, for being the first
to introduce the rural and pleasing custom of well-flowering at Matlock
A tasty device, beautifully executed by Mr. Thos. Hodgkinson
and assistants, adorned the front of Mr. Wyatt's house, the whole,
though at this late period of the season, executed in various and
vividly coloured flowers ; a lion's head pouring a stream of water
from the mouth, being one of the prominent features. Dancing was
kept up at the different places of public entertainment every evening
through the week, and in order to give variety to the amusements,
two professional gentlemen from Buxton, Mr. James Pearson and Mr.
Wm. Fitchett, were engaged at the hotel, who by their admirable harmony
contributed to the pleasures of the musically inclined portion of
the holiday keepers. The Devonshire Cavern was, as has been customary
for years, shewn free expense to the country parties visiting Matlock,
and the extra appointed guides for the occasion have had warm work
of it. Wirksworth Wakes (usually held with Matlock) have also commenced. |
1840 |
Derbyshire Courier, 9 May 1840
CARRIAGE ACCIDENT. - An accident, which might have terminated seriously,
happened to Mr. Collingwood, of Matlock, while returning from the
Conservative dinner at Wirksworth,on Friday evening last. Mr. C.
was descending Cromford Hill in his pony carriage, when, in consequence
of the drag chain breaking, the pony, a spirited animal, ran away.
In endeavouring to stop it, the reins broke, and Mr. Collingwood
and his servant were thrown out of the carriage, without any serious
injury to either. The pony, by plunging, got free of the carriage,
and was galloping homewards, when it was stopped by some persons
in Cromford, unhurt.
1843 |
Derbyshire Courier, 28 October 1843
A large sign board belonging to Mr. Bryan, which has for years been
exhibited opposite Hodgkinson's Hotel, at Matlock Bath, was a few
days since wilfully split in two by some spiteful depredator. THis
is the fifth time that the sign board has been broken or defaced
in as many months. There is an old adage that "the pitcher
goes often to the well, &c."
We understand that Mr. W. Greaves, of the Rutland Arms, Bakewell,
has taken the well known hotel at Matlock, called the Old Bath, formerly
occupied by the late Mrs. Cummins. |
Derbyshire Courier, 11 November 1843
A notice of the death of Mrs. Lydia Poundall, of Matlock Bath, will
be found in our obituary. The funeral look place on Thursday, when
Mrs. Poundall's remains were deposited in the family burial place
at Bonsall. Four of her tenants had been named as pall bearers, and
agreeably to her request they followed the hearse on horse-back ;
a very aged and favourite donkey, also, by the desire of the deceased
lady, joined the mournful procession in a suit of sables.
Her obituary was on the same page:
On Monday last, at Matlock Bath, aged 58, Lydia, the beloved wife
of Thomas Poundall, of that place. Deceased had attended Sheffield
Fair for 34 years, making 62 fairs, with cheese, and was known as
one of the cleverest saleswomen in the market. She was latterly much
afflicted, and bore her suffering with great fortitude.
Thomas Poundall can be found
in Matlock Bath in Pigot's Directory
1831 | Pigot's
1842 Directory and in the 1851
census. |
1845 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 14 May, 1845
MATLOCK BATH. - On Monday, in spite of the frequent showers, the
beautiful village of Matlock Bath assumed a gay and animated appearance.
Great numbers availed themselves of the cheap railway travelling
on that day, and Matlock, which is now approaching its extreme beauty
as regards foliage, was thronged with well dresses and happy looking
parties. The caverns were as usual the chief centre of attention
to the holiday folk, and the subterranean wonders in which they
abound, gave the highest gratification to the very numerous explorers.
At one of these exhibitions, known as the Royal Devonshire Cavern,
forming an underground road to the heights through lead mines and
cave scenery, extra guides were fully employed for hours in conducting
a constant succession of visitors. The museums were also filled company,
and the boats between the showers were in great requisition by parties
who were anxious to see the very interesting portion of the scenery
to be enjoyed by an aquatic excursion. |
1851 |
The Manchester Guardian, 17
May 1851
On the 11th inst. at Miss Giles's School, Chester, aged 9 years,
Emilie Marie, fifth daughter of H. S. J. Collinwood, Esq. of
The Tor Cottage, Matlock [Bath]
about the family
1852 |
Derby Reporter, 27th February
The melancholy accidental death by drowning of Mr James Cumming,
Surgeon, of Buxton, together with his son James Macdonald Cumming,
on the 16th of last month, at Matlock Bath, is painfully fresh
in the minds of our readers; and we now sincerely grieve to add,
that by the sudden death of the above named gentleman's widow,
the family of seven children are left wholly orphans.
It had been arranged by the relatives of the bereaved lady, that
she should for the future reside with her father and mother, Capt.
and Mrs MacDonald, at Holy Island, Scotland, [sic] but the
settling of the deranged affairs of the deceased gentleman occupied
much time, and Mrs Cumming could not leave Buxton for her future
home earlier than last Tuesday, when - approaching the period of
her confinement - she commenced her journey northward, accompanied
by her relative, Mrs Robert Bates, of Buxton. It had been arranged,
that on account of the delicate state of health of the lady, to travel
by easy stages, sleeping the first night at Manchester, the second
at York, where it was intended for her friends to meet her and convey
her home.
On the morning on which Mrs Cumming left Buxton her medical attendant
and friend of her late husband, Dr Robertson, saw her, as did the
Rev. Hull Brown, and the necessary pecuniary means were furnished
for prosecuting the journey, and for present maintenance. The unfortunate
lady never thoroughly overcame the shock caused by the lamented catastrophe
at Matlock, and had otherwise required medical attendance for some
weeks past, but appeared on Tuesday fully competent to undertake
and bear the fatigue of her journey, and nothing appeared amiss until
they were within about three miles of Manchester, when her hands
became contracted and painful, and Mrs Bates got her to bed as soon
as they arrived at the Angel Inn. Mrs Cumming continued to grow worse,
and Dr Bardsley was sent for, who, with another medical gentleman,
promptly attended, but the lady expired in her relation's arms, a
few minutes after they had left.
It is right the public should know that the subscription for the
relief of this unfortunate, distressed, and apparently doomed family,
is still open, and now that seven destitute orphans have been suddenly
deprived of their last natural protector, and thrown wholly on the
benevolence of the public, there is no doubt the sympathy of those
who have the power and will of affording such alleviation, as the
almost unprecedented sorrowful nature of the case may admit of, will
not be withheld.
The funds which are, or may in future be, collected will now be
exclusively devoted to the maintenance and education of the destitute
children, and will be under the superintendence of the Rev. Hull
Brown, incumbent of Buxton, who, together with Mr Vallence and Mr
George Withers Saxton, of Matlock Bath, continue to receive contributions.
The body of the unfortunate lady will be this day interred in the
family vault in Matlock church, by the side of her husband, who this
day six weeks, it will be remembered, was in the full enjoyment of
perfect health.
Lists Through the Centuries: The
Nineteenth Century: Subscription for the relief of the Cumming children,
1853 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
22 June, 1853
- The remains of Mr Hodgkinson, the notice of whose death appears
in our obituary of to-day, were interred at Matlock Bath church,
on Monday. About eighty relatives and friends, clad in deep mourning,
attended the funeral ; the shops in the line of the mournful procession
being partially closed, while very many uninvited neighbours, testified
by their presence and sorrowful demeanour, that they had lost a sincere
See the MI at Holy Trinity Church
Bath, South Parade & the
1854 |
Derbyshire Courier, 20 May 1854
Matlock Bath. - A few days ago a meeting of ratepayers of Matlock
Bath Scarthin Nick, was held at Hodgkinson's Hotel, Matlock Bath,
for the purpose of determining whether the provisions of an act
passed in the 3rd and 4th William IV, cap. 9, known as the Lighting
and Watching Act, be adopted and carried into execution in the
parts of the parish of Matlock named, which it is proposed to light
with gas. The meeting agreed to have street gas according to the
provisions of the act passed. It was also agreed that a call of
£55, or a little under a single rate of 6d. in the £ should
be made for the present year. Three inspectors were appointed.
Votes of thanks were carried to the church wardens, E. Darwin,
Esq., and Mr. Bretby and also the Assistant Overseer, Mr. John
Else, for their diligence in furthering the objects of the meeting.
A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to the chairman (Mr.
Newbold), and that gentleman, in replying, reverted in language
of congratulation to the recent and progressing improvements at
Matlock Bath, adding that he did not despair of one day seeing
a miniature crystal palace arising amid the fancy bowers of his
mountain home. He alluded to a promenade under glass, for the use
of visitors in the autumnal evenings, or in adverse weather, during
the season. The suggestion had been thrown out by some public spirited
inhabitants, and there were visitors who were ready and anxious
to come forward with their
£50 each, towards the attainment of so desirable an object.
The meeting then broke up. |
1855 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
19 September, 1855
MATLOCK BATH. - The spirited
inhabitants of the gay and lively little village of Matlock Bath,
were not far behind their neighbours in their demonstrations of joy
at the glorious victory achieved by the allies. On the confirmation,
by the Derby Mercury, of the gratifying intelligence, a committee
was formed for the purpose of collecting subscriptions, and five
hours exertion produced double the number of pounds. On the evening
of Friday the Heights of Abraham were stormed by the (Matlock Bath)
allies, and the nine pounders on the flag-staff battery spiked. The
storming party, headed gallantly by Captains Bird, Flowers, Lomas, &c.,
nest attacked, and gained possession of the prospect tower, hence
forward the Malakoff, and in a few minutes a fire beacon from the
highest parapet cast its ruddy radiance for miles around, displaying
on an elevated flag-staff, England's proud symbol, the British ensign.
The rocks known as the Hag Tors, on the eastern bank of the Derwent
were illuminated for nearly a mile in length with Bengal lights,
and three of Mr. Walker's boats, preceded by a band of music, rowed
up and down the stream, each vessel being brilliantly illuminated
with lamps, and glowing coloured fires, producing a singular and
highly pleasing effect on the banks of the stream, and the numerous
spectators with which they were covered. A pyrotechnic display took
place in the course of the evening. Everything passed off well, and
at the conclusion of the fete, the committee discovered that they
had an alarming surplus of cash in hand, which they intend to invest
in a roast sheep or two next Thursday. We have omitted to state,
that in the course of the evening a splendid fire balloon ascended
from the museum garden.
Matlock also celebrated the fall of Sebastopol
- see that newspaper report.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
26 September, 1855
MATLOCK BATH. - A surplus fund remaining in hand after the demonstration
on Friday week, the committee resolved on giving away a roast sheep
and 18 gallons of ale on Thursday evening last, and this was carried
into effect amid illumination of candles, gas, camphine, blue fires, &c.
The Cromford drum and fife band, which although recently formed,
plays very correctly, paraded through the village, and the pleasing
afternoon and evening was concluded by pole climbing, sack jumping,
and other rural sports. |
1858 |
Derbyshire Courier, 22 May 1858
Special Train.-A special train of ten carriages brought about three
hundred persons to Matlock Bath on Monday. The trip was for the benefit
of the Moseley-street Sunday School, Birmingham, and the excursionists
consisted of the scholars, teachers, and friends. The price of admission
to the Heights of Abraham, Rutland Cavern and Prospect Tower were
included in the excursion ticket, and the day being fine throughout,
the party passed a pleasant day. The Birmingham Shoe-black Brigade
sent a rather numerous attachment of its members and the whole of
the boys conducted themselves with strict propriety and decorum,
and fully proved that the kindness of a reverend gentleman who paid
for their tickets had not been misplaced. |
1863 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 17 June, 1863
It is within the knowledge of many of our readers that for some
time a struggle has been maintained between Matlock Bath and Matlock,
Matlock having adopted the Local Government Act and included Matlock
Bath in its limits. The Matlock Bath people desired to be separated,
and to have a district of their own. This attempt has been strongly
opposed by the Matlock people. Matlock Bath was, however, excluded
in the Local Government Supplement Bill, introduced this season by
Sir George Grey, which as far as it related to Matlock Bath was referred
to a select committee of the house. On Tuesday, the 2nd of June,
Mr. O'Malley, Q.C. (instructed by Mr. Newbold, Matlock) supported
the bill, and called several witnesses. Mr. Kerslake, Q.C. (instructed
by Mr. Neale, Matlock) opposed the bill, which on Wednesday was withdrawn.
1864 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, May 11, 1864
Mr. Newbold has sent 21l. 17s. 6d. to the Mayor of Sheffield, the
proceeds of a collection for the relief of the sufferers of the bursting
Bradford reservoir.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, May 18, 1864
THE SHEFFIELD INUNDATION. - [To the editor of the Derby
Sir : The subscriptions from this parish on behalf of the sufferers
by the Sheffield inundation, announced in your last, were the profits
from the Matlock Rifle Volunteer Corps Band, and Vocalists in the
neighbourhood here and at Matlock Green, and not from collection
at the Church.
Yours truly,
T. H. Newbold |
1865 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 21 August, 1865
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT. - The long-wished for separation of Matlock
Bath from the old parish, in the matter of local government, having
been obtained some time ago, arrangements have been made, and the
voting papers are out. There are 38 persons nominated, out of whom
the inhabitants have to accept seven. The voting papers are returnable
on the 23rd inst. (this day). Very little interest seems to be
manifested in this election. |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
13 September, 1865.
THE DONKEY NUISANCE. - A very marked difference is already perceptible
in the streets, owing to a considerable abatement in the donkey nuisance,
heretofore so intolerable and dangerous, keeping the place in continual
uproar, and making it more like Bedlam than a quiet watering place.
We take it for granted that this is the first act of the new Local
Board, just installed. It is a step to the right direction, and we
hope success will reward the efforts of the board in abating nuisances
and making improvements.
Matlock Bath: Royal Hotel Obelisk,
Donkeys for Hire
SERIOUS ACCIDENT - A serious accident occurred on Thursday, the
31st ult. To a boy named William Jones, of Fowler Street, Derby,
who went to Matlock by the Temperance Society's excursion. It appears
he was on the Heights of Abraham, and left the walk to have a run
down the SLOPE. Having started he found it impossible to stop and
ultimately fell over a wall several feet in height on the lower side.
He was picked up and conveyed to the Prince of Wales hotel, where
medical assistance was procured, and the lad was found to be suffering
from concussion of the brain. He remained insensible all day, and
was conveyed to the Derby Infirmary, where he subsequently died.
An inquest was held before Mr. Coroner Vallack, and a verdict of "Accidental
Death" returned. |
1871 |
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield
Herald, Saturday
22 April 1871
The mortal remains of this talented physician were laid in the grave
Holy Trinity Churchyard on Monday last. For some time past the deceased
gentleman had been in a very feeble state of health and had therefore
been unable to follow his practice, although as long as his health
permitted his valuable and scientific aid was cheerfully rendered
by him to many old patients who now deplore his loss. In the death
of Dr. Adam, Matlock has lost a good and valuable parishioner, and
the profession one of its best ornaments. The funeral arrangements
were entrusted to Mr. Edward Greenhough, draper and undertaker, Derwent
Parade, under whose personal supervision it was carried out in the
most satisfactory manner. Precisely at eleven o'clock, the mournful
cortege started from the deceased gentleman's residence, Matlock
Dale, and consisted of a hearse and the private carriage of Dr. Webb,
Wirksworth; the chief mourners were, Robert Chadwick, Esq., and F.
W. Stevens, Esq. We also noticed the Rev. E. P. Pelley, Vicar of
Matlock; Dr. Webb, Wirksworth; and the pall-bearers were Mr. F. Stevens,
Mr. Ivatts, Mr. Green, and Mr. Longhurst. Along the line of road
through which the solemn cortege passed, the shutters of the principle
shops were closed as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased.
According to the expressed wish of the deceased, his body was laid
under the shadow of a beautiful tree, at the south end of the Churchyard.
The deceased was sixty-four years of age.
Bath: Dale Road, Stereoview shows his home.
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
13 December, 1871
Smallpox in Scarthin Nick [discussed at Matlock
Bath & Scarthin
Nick Local Board monthly meeting]
A letter was then read by the Chairman from the Rev R. P. Pelly,
vicar of Matlock Bath, which had reference to the appearance and
spread of small-pox in Cromford ...
Matlock Bath Vicarage, Nov. 13, 1871.
Gentlemen - I think it right that you should be informed that some
weeks ago there was a case of small-pox at Mrs. Winson's lodging
house at Scarthin Nick, that last week or the week before another
case originated in the same house, namely, that of Mrs. Pearson,
who at the time she was taken ill was assisting Mrs. Winson in the
care of her house. As Scarthin is just a locality in which small-pox
might spread to a terrible extent, and as Mrs. Winson's house is
a public lodging house, from which infection might be carried all
over the country. I have felt it right to draw your attention to
the matter, in order that you may take what precautions you may consider
necessary to stop the spread of the evil.
I remain, yours respectfully,
Raymond P. Pelly.
Mr Green, clerk to the Board, stated that it was in the power of
the board to appoint an Inspector of Nuisances to compel the dwellers
in infected houses to proper means for the disinfection of such houses,
clothes or furniture, or in cases of very poor people, to cause these
steps to be taken.
Mr. J. W. Wheatcroft said he understood that at the present time
there were no less than eleven different families in that neighbourhood
in which small-pox was at present a visitant, and that in some families
there were several cases.
After some further discussion it was resolved to appoint Dr Holland
to inspect the houses in the neighbourhood, and to hear a report
from him at a future meeting.
Matlock Bath, The Switzerland of England - Scarthin Nick
1872 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 10
January, 1872
Matlock Bath & Scarthin Nick Local Board meeting ... Tuesday evening
Sanitary Conditions at Scarthin Nick.
Chairman E. Wheatcroft
Mr. Superintendent Sharp, the inspector of nuisances, then presented
a report to the meeting, which stated that the drainage in the district
was in a most imperfect state.
After considerable discussion as to what could and ought to be done,
Mr. Stevens proposed that a committee should be appointed to wait
on F. Arkwright, Esq., at Rock House, to ask him to give the Board
a place for the outfall of the sewerage.
Messrs. J. W. Wheatcroft and H. Gordon, with the Surveyor of the
Board, were then deputed to do so at once, and report to the Board
at a future meeting.
A special meeting was convened on Friday evening last to receive
the report of the committee who had been appointed to wait upon
Mr. Arkwright in reference to the defective state of proper drainage
in the Scarthin-row. There present were Mr. E. Wheatcroft (in the
chair), Messrs. T. H. Newbold, Stevens, J. W. Wheatcroft, Wyvill,
White, F. Ogden, Carding and Longhurst.
The Chairman read a letter received from the committee, requesting
him to call the present meeting in consequence of Mr. Arkwright,
whom they had seen, having referred them to the steward, whom they
were to meet on Monday next.
J. W. Wheatcroft then presented to the Board a report, stating that
they had, according to their instructions, called upon Mr. Arkwright,
who had expressed himself to be very glad that the Board were taking
this subject in hand, as it was his intention to have done so if
the Board had not, and further, that he would be pleased to assist
them but they must see Mr Parkin, the steward, in reference to the
matter. The report then went on to state that the sanitary condition
of this district was in a most deplorable and alarming and offensive
state, and urged upon the Board the necessity of taking immediate
steps in the matter. Mr. Wheatcroft also added that while making
his investigations he had discovered that the small-pox had again
made its appearance in the neighbourhood.
Mr. White, who lives in Scarthin Row, said he was glad to find the
Board were moving in the matter, for in so doing they were taking
a step in the right direction. He had borne the offensive and illsavours
till he could bear them no longer.
Mr. Wheatcroft them proposed that the strength of the committee be
augmented by making several additions to its numbers.
Mr. Newbold proposed, and Mr. Stevens seconded, that the report which
the committee of investigation had presented should be entered on
the minutes, which was carried unanimously.
Mr. J. W. Wheatcroft then proposed that Mr. J. H. Newbold be elected
a member of the committee, which was seconded and carried.
Mr. Newbold proposed, and Mr. Carding seconded, that the chairman
also be a member. - Carried.
Mr. Stevens proposed and Mr. Newbold seconded Mr. Ogden. - Carried.
It was then decided that the committee should meet Mr. Parkin on
the following Monday, and report to the adjourned meeting on Tuesday.
See Matlock Bath, The Switzerland
of England - Scarthin Nick
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield
Herald, Saturday
3 August 1872
[Part of an advertisement]
The only ROYAL PETRIFYING WELL is on the High road leading to Cromford,
and is the second well, known as "Jacobs Well." It was from
this well that her most Gracious Majesty when a girl chose a bird's
nest. Articles Petrified Reasonable Terms Excursionists and Schools"
Lessee Jacob Raynes.
of Princess Victoria & Her Mother, 1832
1879 |
Derby Daily Telegraph,11 November 1879
Opening of New Reading Room.
The opening of a new reading-room was celebrated by social gathering
last Saturday evening. Two large and comfortable rooms in the house
Mr. Clark, photographer, Museum-parade, have been procured, one for
reading-room and the other for games and smoking. It is intended
in future to keep the rooms open all the year round." A large
company assembled on Saturday evening to inaugurate the opening.
Short addresses were given by the Rev. E. Latham, the vicar of Matlock
Bath, and by the Rev. F. R. Bellamy, Congregational Minister. Dr.
Holland, the president, declared the rooms open. The undertaking
has been well supported by the inhabitants of Matlock Bath and neighbourhood.
... |
1882 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, August 30, 1882
REGATTA AND ILLUMINATIONS. - A meeting was held in the Club-room
on Thursday evening, and it was unanimously resolved to hold a
regatta, illuminate the rocks, the Pavilion Grounds and the Heights
of Abraham on Monday, September 11th. A committee was formed for
the purpose of carrying out the projected scheme. Several handsome
subscriptions were promised in the room, and the affair was so
spiritedly taken up that there is no doubt that it will prove a
great success. Similar illuminations took place on the event of
the marriage of the Prince of Wales and also on the occasion of
the visit of Emperor of Brazil to Matlock Bath. Those who had the
good fortune to witness these previous illuminations will doubtless
look forward to what is admitted to be the grandest sight to be
seen in the Peak District.
Bath: Illuminations & Venetian Fête in the 1950s
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 13 September,
REGATTA. - On Monday the annual regatta took place at this well known
resort. There were a goodly number of spectators, and the sport
was thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. S. F. Wheatcroft acted as umpire, Mr.
L. Pearson as starter, and Mr. W. W. Evans filled the post of handicapper.
The results were as follows:- Boy's race, A. Barnes and F. Wildgoose,
Matlock Bath. Pair-oared race (men's) : W. Ratcliffe and W. Walthall.
Paired oar-race (youths): C. Wildgoose and F. Nathan. Sculling
race: W. Sprinthall. Canoe race: W. Ratcliffe. Sculling race (2nd
prize) : F. Wain and W. Holland. Swimming race, 80 yards:- Sunderland
Nottingham, F. Higton, F. Wildgoose. Swimming race, 200 yards :
1. Cornelius Hallam ; 2. E. Leacroft, Brackenfield; 3. G. Higton,
Matlock. During the evening the rocks were illuminated with numerous
coloured lights. |
Derbyshire Times, Saturday
16 September 1882
This annual affair took place at Matlock Bath, on Monday, in the
presence a large number of persons, and the racing was very good
throughout although the competitors were chiefly local. The swimming
races ... (mentioned above)
In the evening was a very good display of fireworks by Mr. Copley
of Sheffield, There were also several boats brilliantly lighted by
chinese lanterns of diverse colours on the river. |
1883 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, July 25, 1883
It will be remembered that the late Vicar, the Rev. E. LATHAM, died
a few months since of typhoid fever and other members of his family
were seriously ill about the same time ; also the preceding Vicar
had the same fever in the house at three several times and lost
one child from it. In such a healthful place, with abundance of
pure water and air, the evil could only be looked for on the premises.
Accordingly a competent and experienced Sanitary Inspector from
London, having thoroughly examined every part, reports the MOST
SERIOUS DEFECTS in the PRESENT DRAINAGE, the whole of which must
be removed and an entirely new system laid in. The cost is estimated
at £125. The whole should be completed before the new Vicar,
the Rev. Chas. Baker (late Missionary C.M.S.) and his family enter.
This appeal is put forth in order, if possible, to prevent a debt
on the already small income of the living. Subscriptions will be
received for the "Matlock Bath Sanitary Fund", at Messrs.
Crompton & Evans'
Union Bank, Derby ; and at Derby and Derbyshire Bank, Matlock Bath.
Subscriptions promised:-Rowland Smith, Esq., on behalf of the patrons,
Hostel, Matlock Bath, 1960 - the First Vicarage.
names of the incumbents are on
boards in the church.
1886 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
27 January, 1886
ORGAN OPENING. - A musical festival for the purpose of opening
the new organ at the Wesleyan Chapel, Derwent-parade, was held
on Wednesday evening. There was a large audience present, the
Rev. T. J. Kent occupying the chair, supported by the Rev. J.
S. Edman, resident minister, and the Rev. F. R. Bellamy, congregational
minister. Messrs. Lloyd and Co., of Nottingham were the builders
of the organ, which contains one manual, and the following stops
- open dispason, stop dispason, dulciana, claribella, principal,
fifteenth, oboe and pedal bourdon, great pedal with two composite
bourdon. The instrument has a tone with a good swell, the stops,
excepting the dispason, being all enclosed in the swell box.
Mr. J. G. Barker, the organist of Trinity Church, presided efficiently
at the organ and showed the stops off to advantage. Songs and
choruses were contributed by the choir, trained by the organist
Mr. W. H. Wyvill. The evening's programme was well appreciated,
the choruses showing the painstaking manner in which the participators
had been conducted. At the close of the performance a collection
was made in aid of the organ fund.
and Chapels - Derwent Terrace
1887 |
Derbyshire Times, Saturday, 26 February,
[Gleanings of the Peak section]
I hear that a start has been made with the proposed promenade at
Matlock Bath. (ST)
Matlock Bath: North Parade, late 1870's (1)
Derbyshire Times, 10 September 1887
The Promenade. - On Sunday morning, about seven o'clock, portion
of the Matlock Bath promenade, which has been formed in commemoration
of the Queen's Jubilee, gave way, and nearly 50 feet of the masonry
near the iron bridge was precipitated into the river Derwent. Fortunately
the recently-constructed bridge did not suffer in any way. |
1889 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, 19
June, 1889
BIRTH AT THE RAILWAY STATION. - Some sensation was caused
on Wednesday night among thousands of excursionists awaiting the
departure of the trains on the Matlock Bath Midland Railway platform
by a report gaining currency to the effect that a lady had given
birth to a child. It appears that a young couple arrived at Matlock
Bath from Sheffield by the train due at 12.23 p.m. Proceeding to
the Pavilion Gardens for the afternoon, they joined in the dancing
carried on during the holidays in the large hall. The lady was suddenly
taken ill and removed in a conveyance to one of the waiting rooms
at the railway station. It was not known what was the nature of her
illness until the evening, when an excursionist reported the case
to the station manager. He immediately despatched a messenger for
Dr. Holland, but before his arrival the lady had given birth to a
stillborn child. Under the doctor's attention the lady was removed
to a house in Matlock Dale, and she was progressing favourably at
the time of writing.
Bath Station and High Tor - see the building
1891 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
14 January, 1891
Poor Relief- Owing to the continued severity of the weather, and
at the request of Mr. C. A. Peters, the chairman of the Local Board,
a relief fund has been opened, and soup and bread is being distributed
three times a week at the National School to deserving cases. Messrs.
T. Chaplain, A. Clarke, and the vicar (the Rev. C. Baker) are the
working committee, and a branch has also been opened for feeding
the poorer classes of children. Mr. Peters has generously given a
weekly donation of 10s., and more if desired, and out of the effects
of the defunct Mutual Improvement Association 3l. 13s. 6d. has been
1892 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
4 May, 1892
THE VACANT SURVEYORSHIP. - At a special meeting of the Local Board
on Tuesday evening, Mr. Wm. Jaffery, of Greenock, was appointed surveyor
and collector at a salary of 90l. per annum |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, June 22, 1892
Matlock Bath.
Local Board. - This Board met on Tuesday night; Mr. W. Lennox presiding.
The General Purposes Committee reported that they had instructed
the clerk to write to the Midland Railway Company calling their
attention to the desirability of covering the platforms at the
station at the time of carrying out the proposed improvements.
- A letter was read from the secretary of the local band committee
asking for permission to erect a band kiosk on the promenade for
concerts in the evenings. A tentative permission was granted. -
The Chairman said he regretted to notice that touting was reviving,
but stringent measures would be taken with parties this infringing
the bye-laws.
Lovers' Walks
and the Band Stand
1896 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
16 December, 1896
The Matlock Bath Urban District Council is making efforts to secure
the whole of the Lovers' Walks from the owner, Mr. F. C. Arkwright,
J.P., of Willersley Castle, for free pleasure gardens. The Council,
in the year of the Jubilee of her Majesty the Queen, opened free
promenades on both sides of the River Derwent, and this further proposal
is for the addition of 40 or 50 acres more of the east bank of the
river. The Lovers' Walks have just become tenantless through the
death of Mrs. Ratcliffe, in whose family they have been for the last
90 years.
[Note: this is a slight exaggeration, as the family
did not move to the area until 1866] |
1899 |
The Weekly Standard and
Saturday, 25 March, 1899
Liberal Candidate for Salford.
The Liberal party in North Salford are not taking great pains to
conciliate the Socialist element in their selection of a new candidate
to oppose Mr. F. Platt-Higgins, M.P. It is understood that their
choice is likely to fall on Mr. Lawton of Matlock Bath and Manchester.
Mr. Lawton was formerly a partner in Sir Richard Arkwright and
Co., and when the business of that concern became part of the English
Sewing Cotton Company he was appointed Vice Chairman of that Company.
He is also acting governing director of the American Thread Company.
Woodbank, later Cromford Court
1900 |
The Derby Mercury, Wednesday,
22 August, 1900
URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. - This Council met on Tuesday night. Consent
was given to the local Illumination Committee for permission to
utilise the Lovers' Walk and Promenade on Saturday 25th, for a
grand fete. It was decided to request refreshment-house keepers
and vendors to restrain their calls in the public streets, and
so prevent annoyance to visitors. The figures of the council's
boating property which has now been taken over four years were
read. They showed a 50 per cent increase in takings over several
of the preceding summers, and as much as 35 per cent over the record
of any previous year. The Council have added another ferry across
the river. The gas statistics for the past quarter were equally
satisfactory. The figures showed a decrease in the leakages from
20 per. cent. to 9 in the past twelve months. The Chairman said
the reduction in the leakage was remarkable.
1903 |
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield
Herald, 2
May 1903
A bill to confirm several provisional orders of the Local Government
Board came on Monday before Mr. Jeffreys, Deputy Chairman of Committees
of the House of Commons, to pass the Committee stage. There was no
opposition, and though necessary formal proofs having been given
the bill was ordered to be reported for third reading. Among other
orders was one enabling the Urban District Council of Matlock Bath
and Scarthin Nick to compulsorily purchase land for the construction
of works for the supply of water to their district. |
1904 |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 26 September 1904
Matlock Bath as a Health Resort. - A Conference was held on Saturday
night, at the Royal Hotel Hydro, between the members of the Matlock
Bath Urban District Council and the directorate of the Hotel Hydro
Syndicate, with the object of exchanging views as to bringing Matlock
Bath up to date as a health resort. The medicinal quality of the
waters, of which Matlock Bath has a surplus running to waste of
30,000,000 a day, is to be further exploited, coupled with mud
baths, &c., and it is hoped by introducing a pump room &c.,
to dispense with so much excursionist traffic, which, of late years,
has grown to be a nuisance to the staying visitor.
The Royal Hotel
1905 |
Derbyshire Courier, 21 January 1905
A statutory meeting of the Matlock Bath District Council was held
last Monday night to consider the promotion of a Bill, in the next
session of Parliament, known the Matlock Bath Improvement Bill.
The Chairman (Mr J E Lawton, J.P.) briefly stated the object of
the meeting. The Bill is to carry out the most important improvements
scheme that has been placed before the ratepayers, and it comprises
the erection of an elaborate pump room and baths, the extension
of the Promenade, the demolition of ancient properties, a comprehensive
sewerage scheme, and the adoption of a number of Acts for local
administration. The cost is considerable, and for a commencement
a local syndicate has given a guarantee of the payment of £800
per annum for ten years for the revenue of the pump room and baths.
The Council were informed by the Clerk (Mr. F. C. Lymn) that he
had received a telegram from the Council's Parliamentary agents
in London, stating that there was no opposition to Standing Orders
that being the last day for the lodging of petitions. The necessary
resolution for the final adoption of the scheme was carried "nem.
1912 |
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield
Herald, 13
January 1912
Miss Eleanor Smedley, a member of a very old local family, passed
away on Tuesday, at the age of 71 years. The deceased lady had held
the licence [sic] of the Midland Hotel, Matlock Bath for half a century.
Among the names in the visitors' book of the hotel is that Stanley,
the explorer.
See Just Images, No. 19
Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield
Herald, 1,
May 1912
Amid many manifestations of regret, the remains of Mr. W. Hardy,
until recently postman at Matlock Bath, were interred last Saturday
afternoon, the Rev. C. Baker officiating. The mourners were Mrs.
Hardy (widow) and deceased's brothers and sisters. The postal staff
were represented by Mr. H. G. Buckman and Messrs A. Hursthouse, J.
H. Richards, D. Slater, G. W. Richards, W. Slater, J. Rostin, J.
Astle, J. Marriott, R. Bird, C. Wildgoose, G. Adkin, Knight, Farnsworth,
Carnell, and Fisher. There were a large number of beautiful wreaths. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 23 December 1912
One the best-known residents of Matlock Bath died on Saturday, in
the person of Mr. Herbert Buxton. The deceased was 79 years age.
His death was sudden. He had been perfectly well up six o'clock in
the evening, when he was taken ill and died in his chair before a
doctor had been called. Mr. Buxton took a prominent part in the life
of the town, and was a pioneer of the movement for "booming" Matlock
Bath as a health resort. He was a member of the Council for 40 years,
and vice chairman for a long period.
Gardens - The Switchback, (1) Rise & Fall (the first of several)
Mr. Buxton's Royal Museum, Interior
1913 |
Derbyshire Courier, 4 January 1913
Mr. F. C.
Arkwright, of Willersley, Cromford, has distributed fifty tons of
coal amongst the needy families of Cromford and Scarthin. The distribution
of Mr. Arkwright's Xmas gift was superintended Mr. W. Barker, the
estate steward. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 10 May 1913
Another serious landslide occurred Friday night, at Scarthin, Matlock
Bath. Some months ago, it will be remembered, an embankment fell
and wholly demolished a house and damaged two others, the residents
narrowly escaping a terrible death. It has taken three months for
Mr. Arkwright, of Willersley Castle, the owner, to rebuild the embankment.
The continue wet weather is the supposed cause.
Suddenly, on Friday night the whole of the embankment came down again
with a crash. Children were playing at the foot a few minutes before,
and Mr. Doxey Baker fortunately drove them away. Men are at work
guarding the roadway. The continued wet weather is the supposed cause.
[George Doxey was a Baker And Grocer and his home was a few doors
away from the Temperance Hall and Primitive Methodist Chapel. He
can be found in Scarthin in the
1901 census] |
1914 |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 20 February 1914
On Thursday, Mr. C. F. White. C.C., of Matlock Bath, returned from
London, where he has been taking the preliminary steps, to forward
his proposed appeal the House of Lords in respect of the case of
White v. Barnes, which has already engaged the attention of the King's
Bench and the Court of Appeal.
Interviewed by a "Derbyshire Courier" representative, Mr.
White said that he had not been in Matlock many hours when he was served
with a further notice that a receiving order is to be applied for by
Mr. E. W. Barnes, of Belmont Cottage, Matlock Bath, the defendant,
in the original action, at the court at Derby on Monday the 2nd March.
Mr. White added that this development would not prevent him from
proceeding with the appeal, which he would conduct in person. He
was confident of ultimate success, and was glad to realise that he
had the confidence of the public. |
Derbyshire Courier, 28 February 1914
With the full
consent of the patrons, the Rev. C. Baker, vicar of Matlock Bath,
and the Rev. W. Askwith, vicar of Pollington-cum-Bulne, have arranged
to exchange livings at the end of March. The living of Matlock Bath
is in the gift of trustees, while the latter is in the patronage
of Lord Deramore.
and Chapels - Matlock Bath
Derby Daily Telegraph, 13 July 1914
There were two by-elections in the Matlock district for seats on
the two Urban Councils. At Matlock Bath the vacancy was caused by
the retirement of Mr. C. F. White, and at Matlock by the withdrawal
of Mr. J .H. Scoles. Results:- Matlock: Wm. Birch, 240 : W. H. Lowe,
130. Matlock Bath: J. F. Donegani, 114 : W. J. Wright 79 : W. Wheatcroft,
32. |
Derby Daily Telegraph, 28 July 1914
A remarkable escape from drowning, due to an accident said to have
been caused by larking, occurred to a pleasure party at Matlock Bath
on Monday.
In the morning a number of day excursionists motored from Bulwell,
Notts., to Matlock Bath, and spent part of the time of their outing
in a motor boat trip on the Derwent.
Five ladies were in one boat, in charge of Mr. J. Mottram, a skilled
boatman. When they were near the South Ferry, one of them is stated
to have risen from her seat and called out, "I will drown all
of you". The boat was upset, and all the passengers were thrown
into the river.
An eye-witness stated that it was only by sheer luck that the boatman
was able to get them safely ashore. Drenching wet, they were motored
to Whatstandwell, where they went to bed while their clothes were
dried. They returned to Bulwell late last night.
Boating on the River Derwent, 1914
1919 |
Derbyshire Courier, 26 April 1919
Crowds of Visitors to the Matlocks.
Both the Matlocks experienced a record Easter. Visitors and pleasure
seekers flocked into the place from all parts of England, and for
the first time since the war the motor charabancs re-appeared. Petrol
vehicles and push bikes brought people into the place by the hundred
and the dust nuisance was very noticeable. All the trains wore packed
with holiday makers.
At Matlock Bath the tiny cockleshell boats well patronised and the
Lovers' Walk aviaries attracted much attention. As usual the fish-pond
proved a source of delight to the youngsters. Concerts were given
by the Swanwick Prize Band. At Matlock the local band gave concerts
at the Hall Leys band kiosk. The beauty spots in the Via Gellia proved
a great attraction to many visitors, and picnic parties were numerous.
The local motor 'bus service proved quite inadequate for the conveyance
of visitors and many complaints were heard concerning the lack of
enterprise of the two urban councils in not arranging a public service.
Visitors to Matlock Bath - Travelling
by Motor Charabanc
High Peak News, Saturday, 7th June, 1919
A local Branch of the Comrades of the War was formed
at a meeting held at the Pavilion on Monday night, the chair being
taken by Mr. Arkwright, D.L., J.P. There were about a dozen local
returned men present, and Mr. Arkwright supported the movement
cordially. An address was given by Mr. Turner, of Derby, the organiser
for the County. Mr. L. Curtis was chosen hon secretary, and it
was the decision to form a Branch, and to arrange later as to a
clubroom, etc., for the members.
(CB) |
Derbyshire Courier, 19 July 1919
Tea and Gifts for Returned Soldiers.
Members of the Welfare Committee at the Masson Hall arranged a social
and dance as welcome to employees who had returned from the colours,
and the affair took place Saturday evening.
The men, together with their wives and fiancés, were entertained
to tea, which was served in the dining room. The women's Committee
had charge of the tables and about 90 people were present.
After tea, Mr. Webster, the manager, extended a welcome to the men
who had returned to work and asked each to accept a silver cigarette
case from their fellow workers as a small token of appreciation and
thanks. Each case bore the words, "Welcome back to Masson Mill".
The gifts were handed over by Mrs. Webster, who congratulated the
men on their safe return, and expressed sympathy with those who had
lost a limb.
It was announced that in memory of the fourteen men who fell in the
war an enlarged photograph will be presented to the widows or parents.
The work is being done by Mr. W. N. Statham, of Matlock.
Afterwards a dance was held and Messrs. A Pearson and A. Biddulph
were the pianists and Mr. W. Wright was M.C.
The men who received the gifts were:-
Doubling department; Messrs. J. Allen, William Brough, F. Boden,
William Brown, C. Brown, J. Botham, l. Brooks, E. Bunting, G. Doxey,
S. Doxey, G. Gould, A. Harrison, G. Milward, G. Robinson, H. Statham,
J. Swift, G. Treece, P. Wright and William Else;
warehousemen; J. Allsop, J. T. Brown, H. Britland, A. Biddulph, N.
Doxey, E. Gregory, T. Hall, G. Hodgkinson, T. Millward, A. Seeds,
William Slack, and l. Spencer ;
gassing ; G. Batterley, D. Elliott, A. Gould, J. Kay and John Swift
general offices : L. Brown, A. Holmes, J. Shaw, H. Walthall, L. A.
Doxey, F. Fowkes, A Hall and J. H Stafford.
Arkwright & His
Cotton Mill in Matlock Bath
Day, 19 July 1919 (under
War Memorials)
Derby Daily Telegraph, 23 July 1919
Amongst the decorations just conferred by the French President for
distinguished services during the war are the following:-
... Staff-sergt. major John Herbert Gillott, Derbyshire Yeomanry
(Matlock Bath); Sergeant John Wesley Outram, Derbyshire Regt., T.F.
(Matlock); Pte. Frederick Thomas Thorley, M.M.,
... Medaille d'Honneur avec Glaives en Bronze:- ... Sergt. Tom Taylor,
R.E. (Matlock Bath).
[Repeated on the Matlock page]
See The
War Memorials for those who did not return.
Derbyshire Courier, 26 July 1919
Among the events arranged by the Matlock Bath Committee were a luncheon
for local demobilised soldiers and discharged men, a procession,
sports, tea, and a regatta. Swanwick Band played from the promenade
band kiosk, and in the evening a cinema performance and a dance were
held in the Pavilion.
Day, 19 July 1919 (under War
1921 |
Derbyshire Courier, 15 January 1921
A much better 'bus service between Cromford, Matlock Bath, and Matlock
is probable if the proposal submitted in joint a letter from the
proprietors of the present bus service to the Matlock Bath Council
Messrs. Williams and Co., and Hand's Garage's Ltd., wrote
to the effect that in return for a five years' contract they would
put on the road four double-deck 'buses in the summer (15 minutes
service). There was also a letter from Mr. W. H. Furniss, garage
proprietor, Matlock, making a renewed application to run a 'bus between
Matlock and Cromford. Mr. Furniss alleged that he had not been fairly
The matter was referred to a joint meeting on Matlock and
Matlock Bath Councils.
Matlock Bath: Bus Services, 1912
- 1933
Derbyshire Courier, 19 March 1921
Matlock and Matlock Bath people are looking forward to the Easter
holidays with some misgiving. They fear that the wave of unemployment
in the country will keep people away altogether, or, at best, limit
severely their spending capacity. They have quite resigned themselves
to something different from the prosperous time they had last Easter,
when money flowed freely from the merry crowd of trippers. Even so,
however, a warm Eastertide will, no doubt, bring some visitors, if
it is only by motor cycle and cycle. For some weeks on sunny days
the preparations to welcome them to Matlock Bath have been apparent.
Boats have been brought out for a coat of bright paint ; the switchback
railway has been repaired and a general furbishing up has taken place.
Vegetation will be early this year ; the woodland scenery of the
district already shows bright green with tender foliage.
It is probable that the treatment of trippers this Easter will have
an effect on the summer season, and to the catering fraternity a
word of advice may not be amiss. It is this : Give all customers
a square meal. Good food, obliging service, and reasonable prices
are essential. The licensed victuallers are acting upon it, and have
already got an extension of hours from the licensing magistrates
for Easter Monday and Tuesday, with the idea of giving their customers
greater comfort. Anything approaching profiteering will be resented,
and may spoil the season. |
Derbyshire Courier, 21 May 1921
At a meeting of the Matlock Bath Urban Council on Wednesday it was
reported that on the year's working there had been a profit of £1,323
on the gasworks out of which had been repaid in principal and interest
in loans the sum of £1,066, leaving a net profit of £257. A balance
of £862 had been carried forward and the outstanding loans on the
gas department now stood at £19,687. |
Derbyshire Courier, 21 May 1921
A phenomenon has attracted the attention of many visitors to Matlock
and Matlock Bath this week. Each evening vertical columns, consisting
of myriads of gnats, float above the river Derwent, presenting the
appearance of swaying wreaths of smoke. Apparently the gnats are
newly hatched from the water, and their curious dance is the nuptial
flight of the insects. Why they should collect in vertical columns,
which are often fifty or more feet high, is, however, a mystery. |
1928 |
Derbyshire Times, 24 November
The Matlock Bath Pleasure Grounds and Pavilion Committee reported
to the Council on Monday that they had considered the question of
establishing at Matlock Bath a centre of the county library. They
favoured the project and suggested that Mr. Osborne, the County
Librarian, be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee
to explain the matter. The Council confirmed the Committee's action
and suggested that the interests of Matlock should be considered
in this connection.
Bath Pavilion & the
Schools Mobile Library
The Matlock Bath Pleasure grounds have undergone
their customary stripping and cleaning up. All the seats on the Lover's
Walks and promenade have been stored, boats have been taken off the
river and cleaned; twelve monkeys have been sold for 35s. each, and
the lemur, opossum and macaws have been given winter quarters in
the back rooms of the glove factory.
Bath: Aviaries & Monkey House, Lovers' Walks
1930 |
Gloucestershire Echo, 15 April 1929
The ruins of
the glove factory near the Grand Pavilion, Matlock Bath, which was
recently gutted by fire, are to be demolished and the site turned
into an open space.
Bath's Glove Factory
1939 |
Derby Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 28 February 1939
The funeral took place at Matlock Bath Church yesterday of Mrs. Pamela
Donegani (85), of Belle Vue House, Matlock Bath, widow of Mr. J.
F. Donegani, who was at one time agent for the Duke of Devonshire's
Ashbourne estate. A choral service was conducted by the Rev. A. Phibbs,
Mr. G. W. T. Smith being the organist. Mourners were Miss Donegani,
Mr. O. Donegani, Miss J. Donegani, Mrs. Swift, and Mrs. Rudloff,
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boden (son in law and daughter), Mr.
Harry Boden, jun., Mrs. Knowles, Miss M. Boden, and Mrs. Williams
(grandchildren), Miss Chadwick, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Wyvill, Miss
Ludlam, Mrs. Hockin, Miss Walker, Mrs. Jacques, the Misses Hands,
Mr. H. E. Giles, Mr. Warren Boden, Mr. R. J. Stafford, and Councillor
W. Jacques.
DONEGANI Family Portrait