Bath: New Bath Hotel Stereoview |
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century : Photographs,
Postcards, Engravings & Etchings |
The nineteenth century stereoview of the New Bath Hotel can't be
dated exactly but will have been taken at some stage in the
twenty plus years of management of the hotel by Ivatts and Jordan.
Their names are in large letters on the front of the hotel.
However, both this image and the next could have been taken
before 1860.
In 1856 Messrs. Ivatts and Jordan announced that they had moved
to the New Bath from the Royal Station Hotel, Hull[1].
They had relocated to the hotel some months before the announcement
as Henry William Jordan was buried at Matlock Bath in the April[2].
So in the early years of their tenure the hotel was managed
by Miss Mary Brown Ivatts and her niece Mrs. Emma Jordan (nee
Leake), widow of Henry William[3].
Emma and Henry William had been married for only two years
when he died[4].
Miss Ivatts died on 3 Oct 1863[5] and
Mr. Ivatts became the Manager alongside Mrs. Jordan[6].
Francis White described the hotel in 1857 as being "situated
on a plot of level ground, considerably elevated above the carriage
road, with a verdant lawn in front, forming an excellent promenade
[the Bath Terrace], and commanding the finest views of the picturesque
scenery for which Matlock Bath stand unrivalled[7]".
White mentioned the addition of a coffee room for ladies and gentlemen
in the hotel's south wing. Interestingly, one of the windows in
the stereoview on the ground floor is blank, presumably bricked
up because of the Window Tax.
Amongst the hotel's illustrious visitors was
John Ruskin, probably Britain's greatest ever art critic. He visited
on a number of occasions but in 1871 it was reported that "We
regret to hear that Mr. Ruskin has been lying dangerously ill at
Matlock. He was, however, much better on Sunday, and is now, we
are informed, quite out of danger"[8].
He was said to have experienced a physical and mental breakdown[9].
Matlock Bath was "especially dear to him from the
enchanting character of its scenery" and he was at
the New Bath again in 1883"[10].
According to Ruskin, the Peak District was "a lovely
child's alphabet: an alluring first lesson in all that's
admirable". Indeed, in 1884 it was said that when
looking back to his past life he found, though not without
surprise, that he owed more to Matlock than to Switzerland. "This
little bit of mid-England in its very minuteness is the
most educational of all the districts of beautiful landscapes
known to me"[11].
The Emperor and Empress of the Brazils took a suite for
an overnight stay at the New Bath Hotel in 1871 not long
after Ruskin's departure. Derwent Parade was awash with
flags and many people, including excursionists, lined the
route from the station to the New Bath. Mr. Ivatts received the party and Mrs. Jordan showed them
to their apartments. Seemingly, many in the neighbourhood
sent contributions to decorate the hotel. There were rare
vases and inlaid plates from Messrs. Buxton and Dakin,
flowers from Mrs. Arkwright of Rock House and a unique
vase belonging to Mrs. Wildgoose full of wild flowers.
Mr and Mrs John Smedley presented them with signed copies
of their books, John Clark sent a volume of his "Derbyshire
Views" and T. A. Stanton composed a poem to mark the event[12]. |
In late 1876 the New Bath was advertised as being to let "from Lady-day next" (i.e. 24 March 1877)[13].
The Bench granted transfer of the license from Ivaats and Jordan to Thomas Tyack, formerly of Clayton-on-the Moors, Accrington,
LAN in April 1877.[14]. Mr. Tyack was the hotel's manager until 1898. Emma Jordan had
moved to Wakefield by 1881 and was living on an Income from Dividends whilst William Henry Ivatts had transferred to the Royal
The front of the New Bath was to change considerably over the
years, with the addition of painted stucco window mouldings
instead of the hotel signs. A second portico was also added
over the doorway behind the tree, although this has been removed.
Enlargement of right hand stereoview image.
The group of buildings in the distance, which included
Win Tor on the far side of Saxton's Green, were demolished
about 1930. |
Eighteenth Century: Statute Labour for Mending the Highways,
1761. Amongst the people listed was Isaac North, the first
proprietor of the New Bath.
Lists Through the Centuries:
Arrivals at Matlock Bath, 1820-1850. European Royal families and nobility,
British politicians, academics, clergy, members of the British
aristocracy and upper and middle classes of society. Some of them
would have stayed at the New Bath.
Famous 19thC People who Wrote About or Visited the Bath
Henry Moore (1818) "Picturesque
Excursions From Derby to Matlock Bath", pp.27 - 32 provides
a good description of the New Bath in the second decade of the nineteenth
Ivatts and Jordan advertised the
hotel in Hall's "Days
in Derbyshire", 1863.
Matlock & Matlock
Bath: Inspiration of Poets - T. A. Staton wrote a poem to mark
the Royal visit.
There is more about the New Bath Hotel
1 and 3. Stereoview from the collection of and © Ken Smith.
2. Image of Mr. Ruskin from Dalgleish, W. Scott, M.A., LL.D. (1900)
"Great Authors, From Macauley to Browning", Thomas
Nelson and Sons, London, Edinburgh and New York. © Ann Andrews
Information written, researched by and © Ann Andrews.
Intended for personal use only.
References (coloured
links are to transcripts and information elsewhere on this
web site):
[1] "The Derby Mercury",
9 July, 1856
[2] Holy
Trinity Church Burials | MIs.
Henry W Jordan was a nephew of Miss Ivatts. See Pre-1858
Wills info, Surnames J
[3] White's
1857 Directory | 1861
census | White's 1862
Directory | Hall's
"Days in Derbyshire", 1863 |
[4] Emma Leake and Henry William
Jordan were married in Wakefield District in Q2 1854
[5] "The Derby Mercury",
9 Oct, 1863. Also see her Will
info, Surnames J
[6] Kelly's
1864 Directory | 1871
census | Kelly's 1876
[7] White, Francis (1857) "History,
Gazetteer and Directory of the County of Derby ..." pub.
Francis White & Co. Sheffield. See lists
of names in the on site transcript.
[8] "Bury and Norwich Post", 18
July 1871. Illness of Mr. Ruskin.
[9] This information is from the "Dictionary
of National Biography" which has an extremely long and
highly informative account of his life, although only briefly
mentions what happened in July 1871.
[10] "Derbyshire Times", 14 July 1883.
[11] "The Derby Mercury", 21 May 1884.
[12] "Derbyshire Times",
12 August 1871. Matlock Bath. Visit of Their Imperial Majesties
The Emperor and Empress of Brazil. There were two trains full
of excursionists in Matlock Bath on that day. Also see Matlock
Bath: Station House and the Last Station Master, reference
[13] A series of advertisements appeared in "The Derby Mercury", including one on 6
December, 1876 which gave the reason for Mrs. Jordan's departure as the expiration of her lease.
[14] Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal", 13 Apr 1877. Wirksworth Petty
Sessions. Thomas Tyack leased both the hotel and some adjacent fields from Philip Hubbersty of Wirksworth, Esq,
and Albert Cantrell Hubbersty of Ford - Derbyshire Record Office, ref. D5956/437/1 (1877). Towards the end of his time in
the village he he ran both the New Bath and the Royal Hotel (see Bulmer's Directory, 1895.
[15] Mrs Jordan was at Strafford Square, Wakefield (RG11/4577 f37 p18 s100). She died on 27
Nov 1897; she had been living in Hornsey, MDX but died at Crouch End. Her death was reported in the "Morning
Post" on 1 Dec 1897.
William Henry Ivatts was living at the Royal Hotel in 1881.